The Gospel Bells Are Ringing

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
The gospel bells are ringing
Over land, from sea to sea;
Blessed news of free salvation
Do they offer you and me.
"For God so loved the world,
That His only Son He gave;
Whosoe'er believeth in Him
Everlasting life shall have."
Gospel bells ... how they ring
Over land from sea to sea;
Gospel bells ... freely bring
Blessed news to you and me.
The gospel bells invite us
To a feast prepared for all;
Do not slight the invitation,
Nor reject the gracious call.
"I am the bread of life;
Eat of Me, thou hungry soul;
Though your sins be red as crimson,
They shall be as white as wool."
The gospel bells give warning,
As they sound from day to day,
Of the fate which doth await them
Who forever will delay.
"Escape thou for thy life!
Tarry not in all the plain;
Nor behind thee look, oh, never,
Lest thou be consumed in pain."
The gospel bells are joyful
As they echo far and wide,
Bearing notes of perfect pardon
Through a Saviour crucified;
"Good tidings of great joy
To all people do I bring;
Unto you is born a Saviour,
Which is Christ the Lord and King."