SEVERAL hundred years ago the story of salvation through Christ Jesus was well-known in China.
However it was, after having known about God and Christ Jesus and the Bible, the people of China, for the most part, forgot about these things. About 100 years ago some Christians in England, America, Germany and other lands felt that they should go to China to again tell them the way of God’s salvation in Christ Jesus.
Hudson Taylor was one of the first of these missionaries. Through him a great many Chinese heard the story of God’s love in their own language and many who heard believed and were saved.
One of these was a man named Mr. Ni. He lived in the city of Ninghsien where he bought and sold cotton. Like many Chinese folks then and even now, Mr. Ni worshiped a false god called Buddha. Mr. Ni was deeply earnest about his religion and he spent much time and money in the service of his god. But his heart was not at rest and the more he followed his religious observances the more empty he found them to be.
Passing an open door one evening, he noticed that something special was going on. A bell was being rung and people were gathering together. Learning that this was a hall for the discussion of religious matters, he, too, went in, for there was nothing about which he was more concerned than what would become of him after death. Mr. Ni listened to what Mr. Taylor was reading.
“As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:14, 16.
Hudson Taylor went on to tell how long ago in Israel, when the people had sinned so badly, God had sent deadly snakes among them. Many of the people were bitten by the snakes and died. But God told Moses to make a model of a serpent (or snake) and put it up on a pole so all could see it. And God told Moses to tell the people that if they were bitten by a snake, if they looked in faith at that serpent on the pole they would not die. And this is exactly what happened. All who looked, in faith, did not die.
Mr. Taylor went on to say that sin is worse even than a deadly snake for everyone — men, women, boys, girls — Americans, Canadians, Indians, Chinese, English, French everyone must give account to God for his sins. And everyone who is still in his sins will be cast into the lake of fire for all eternity. There is nothing in all the world that can make up for what we are as lost sinners; nothing, that is, except the death of the Lord Jesus.
Mr. Ni heard for the first time how the Lord Jesus was put on a cross and there died. He heard too how God says that anyone who looks to Jesus for salvation from the judgment of sin will be saved forever and ever. Just as Moses told the people of Israel to look at that model serpent, now God says look to Jesus on the cross.
The Lord Jesus is not on the cross now. No, after He died he was buried in a grave but after three days He rose from that grave. Soon He went up to heaven and now from heaven God offers eternal salvation to all who confess that they are lost sinners and believe that Jesus died for them and rose again.
There in Ninghsien, China, Mr. Ni heard that wonderful offer and he believed what God said. Just as the meeting was coming to a close, he stood up, and in a voice that all could hear, he said, “I have long sought the truth but without finding it. I have traveled far and near but never found it. In Confucianism, in Buddhism, in Taoism I have found no rest. But in what we have heard tonight I do find rest. Henceforth I take Jesus as my Saviour.”
God’s offer of salvation will soon end. The Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus is soon coming back from heaven to take away all who have put their trust in Him. The graves will be opened and those who died trusting in Jesus will rise from their graves and we who are living will join them and all together go to heaven. Then God’s offer of salvation will no longer be made. But today you can have it. Don’t delay. Take Jesus as your Saviour now.
“Now is the accepted time. Behold, Now is the day of salvation.” 2 Cor. 6:2