The Gospel, the Power of God Unto Salvation

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 7
IN the town of R―, which is situated in the North of Ireland, lives a dear brother in the Lord, named Mc N―, whose time is wholly occupied in traveling on foot through the country, selling Bibles, Testaments, and Scriptural books. He also gives away numbers of tracts, and has many opportunities for preaching the Gospel and speaking to individuals in their own houses when on his rounds.
In the early part of 1875, he called with his books at the house of a young married man named J. B― Beginning to talk about the things of the Lord, they interrupted him by saying that a young man was going about the neighborhood preaching, whose constant inquiry of his hearers was, “Have you settled the question of your soul’s salivation yet?”
“Well” said McN―, “I will tell you what happened to myself. I was walking near―, when I met a Christian lady who asked me ‘Have you made your peace with God yet?’ ‘No ma’am’ said I. ‘What!’ she replied, ‘and you go about selling Bibles, distributing tracts, and I am told even preach the Gospel sometimes?’ ‘I do all that’ I said. ‘And yet you have not made your peace with God?’ ‘No, ma’am;’ I again said, ‘I could not make my peace with God, but, blessed be His name, more than eighteen hundred years ago, our Lord Jesus Christ made peace by the blood of His cross; and through grace I have been led to accept, and rest on His work, to believe on Him, and I have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.’”
J. B―’s mother (his parents lived in the same house with him and his wife) thereupon exclaimed “I think you could put the Gospel yourself;” and on his expressing his willingness to preach wherever the Lord opened the door, they at once offered their house, which was gladly accepted, and a day named for the meeting.
Our brother McN― preached several times there, and the word was used to the awakening of J. B―, who was led of the Spirit of God to see his true condition as a ruined, helpless, and hell-deserving sinner.
On the 20th December, 1875, McN― called to see him. He gave him a copy of “God’s Glad Tidings” for that month, and left, after calling his attention to an article entitled “It’s just as God sent it, drink it up man.”
He did not return until the 27th March, 1876, On his remarking that it was about two months since he had been there last, J. B― replied, “It is just three months and one week.” “How do you remember that day so well?” said McN―. “Ah,” he answered; “I will remember that day to all eternity. After you left, I took up the ‘Glad Tidings’ and began to read the first article, The five go together (He that heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life. John 5:24). ―When I had read it put it up on the shelf, but soon took it down again; and how many times I read it that day I cannot tell you, for it wouldn’t leave me alone, nor would I leave it alone. Night came and I went to bed, but could not sleep. But just at twelve o’clock it all broke into my soul like a flood of sunshine. ‘I have it!’ I shouted, and awoke my wife to tell her, confessing and preaching Christ to her; I then awoke my father and mother, and told them, too, how God had saved my soul, for I was so full of it, that if there had been no one in the house, I must have gone out to awaken and tell my neighbors.”
Truly it was the work of God the Holy Ghost.
J.B―shortly afterward became ill, and rapidly sank, going to be with the Lord in August; but to the very last he bore a bright testimony to his Saviour. Many of his relations coming to see him in his illness board the gospel from his lips, which he could indeed speak out of the abundance of his heart.
Dear reader, the time is short. The Lord is at hand. The door will be shut. Is it still all darkness, gloom and uncertainty with you? Oh, I beseech of you, rest not until you can say with your whole heart, “I have it”
You may have it NOW. “He that believeth on the Son HATH everlasting life.”
H. P. A. G.