The Gospel Work Amongst Hop Pickers

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 12
IT is a great pleasure to commend the good I work carried on by our friends Mr. W. Luff and Mr. Jones in the various hop-gardens, principally in Herefordshire. As our readers will observe, by the article on page 124 of this issue, these workers have for nineteen years carried on this interesting Gospel service amongst those who greatly need it, and who, thank God, vastly appreciate the efforts of these brethren to do them good.
It would give us very great pleasure if, through the medium of this paper, we could help them in the matter of travelling expenses. They give their own personal service absolutely free; indeed, occupy the ordinary time usually devoted to rest and “holiday” in this blessed work. Last year they walked over three hundred miles, visited one hundred and sixty-seven different hop-fields, and told the simple story of the love of God to thousands of men, women, and children.
Any readers who may be pleased to assist in defraying the unavoidable outlay incurred through the mission may either send direct to Mr. W. Luff, 24, High Holborn, London, or to the Editor of this paper.
The Gospel tour lasts about a month altogether.