The Grateful Retrospect.

“Because Thou hath been my help, therefore in the shadow of Thy wings will I rejoice.” (Psa. 63:7.)
ALL that my life has seen
All that my lot has been,
Darkness or light;
Seasons of deep distress,
Days of pure happiness,
All have been right.
Difficult paths there were;
Many a lurking snare
Compassed me round;
Yet on this happy day,
Kneeling to praise and pray,
Still am I found.
And I am fain to own,
Not by myself alone
Have I thus stood.
Thou hast befriended me,
Blessed and defended me,
Thou art so good.
Thou art my Father-God;
Every new step I trod
Thou wast my Guide,
Loving me evermore,
Blessing me o’er and o’er,
Still at my side.
What shall I render Thee,
Who hath so tenderly
Led me alway?
Father, I’ll trust Thee still,
Waiting Thy holy Will,
Through each new day.
Under the shadowing
Of Thy Almighty Wing,
I will rejoice.
O, through the future be
All Thou hast been to me.
This is my choice.
M. F.