The Great Divide

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When we traveled across the United States a few months ago we saw many wonderful and magnificent sights — beautiful rock formations, high mountain peaks and sparing waterfalls. All spoke of the handiwork of God.
The conductor on the train would point out special sights of interest and at one time he said that we would soon cross “The Great Divide.” We were very interested to know what this was. He explained that the Great Divide, or Continental Divide, as it is sometimes called, is the great watershed that separates the streams flowing to the Atlantic from those flowing to the Pacific. This extends from the Mexican boundary northward up into the Rocky Mountains and on into Canada. In some parts of its course, the Continental Divide is at the crest of the loftiest ranges; in others, it is on gently rolling uplands at the summit of high plateaus.
After the conductor had left, I sat thinking about the Great Divide and I thought of another Great Divide that separates us from God. Yes, my SINS separated me from a holy and righteous God, but the Lord Jesus Christ has come in and taken the punishment I deserved instead. He crossed the gulf that made the fearful separation and paid the price for my salvation on Calvary’s cross. What a Saviour Jesus is! The thought of His great love for us should melt our hearts and make us want to live for Him alone.
Is this precious Saviour, your Saviour? If not, take Him NOW and then you can sing:
“Across the Great Divide my Shepherd found me,
And lovingly He placed His arms around me;
He shattered every fetter that had bound me,
And He carried me across the Great Divide.”
“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36.
Just as the water on one side of the Continental Divide flows to the Atlantic Ocean, and the water on the other flows to the Pacific, so you also are on the way to either heaven or hell for ETERNITY. If you are still in your sins, you are surely on the way to hell, but if you know the Lord Jesus as your own Saviour, He has promised that you will someday spend eternity in heaven with Him forever.
Notice too, that this great watershed is sometimes at the crest of the loftiest ranges and then at other parts of its course it is on lower ground. It is the same with the sinner — you might be a very wealthy boy or girl high up in this world’s estimation, or you may be a very poor boy or girl. But this is certain — you need the Lord Jesus Christ for your own Saviour, for we read:
ML 11/18/1956