The Greatest Gift

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 4
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What would the greater gift be? Would you say jewelry? A big check? A yacht? An estate? An of well? None of these can compare with the gift of life itself. Ask Donna Ashlock!
Donna seemed a normal healthy teenager. But Donna's heart was diseased and failing, and the doctor: told her that she could no live much longer without a new heart And where could they find a donor? Who could give a heart? We really have only one heart!
Felipe, a friend from school, heard of her condition. It is reported that he said, "I am going to die, and I want Donna to have my heart." Three weeks later he did die, and there was a living, healthy heart for Donna.
What a gift that was for Donna! Literally, the gift of life. But would Felipe have said, "I'm going to die, and I want my heart to go to that big boy down the street who always tried to beat me up. Or to the one who stole my lunch money? I want my heart to go to my worst enemy!"
Not likely!
But we have been offered the gift of life; we have been offered new hearts; there is One who died that we might live, and—were we His friends? "God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." "Christ died for the ungodly." Rom. 5:8, 6.
"No man of great love can boast
Than for his friend to die.
Thou for Thine enemies wast slain,
What love with Thine can vie?"
In all time and eternity, there can be no greater gift than this. "Our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins." Gal. 1:3, 4. "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
We have been given not just life, but everlasting life. Donna's new heart was still only a human heart. With care, with anti-rejection drugs, with frequent checkups, it could give her years of life. But no matter how long she may live, one day her heart is going to stop beating. One day, in the normal manner of hearts, it will falter and quiver and quit. Not so the life we receive when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. He says: "I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish." John 10:28.
Donna, recovering in the hospital, prepared a little message of gratitude and appreciation for the great gift that had been given her. If you have received that greatest of all gifts—that ultimate gift—have you ever thanked the Giver? Donna will never forget the boy whose death gave her life. Have you forgotten the One who died for you?
Sinners, it was not to angels
All this wondrous love was given,
But to one who scorned, despised Him,
Scorned and hated Christ in heaven!
I have seen the face of Jesus—
Tell me not of else beside;
I have heard the voice of Jesus—
All my soul is satisfied.