The Guilty World

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
“Not this Man, but Barabbas! Now Barabbas was a robber.” (John 18:40)
The world has never been the same
Since Jesus died—
Since He, the peerless, spotless Lamb,
Was crucified.
Earth chose instead sedition’s son,
With loud acclaim,
And meted to the sinless One
The cross and shame.
No wonder crime, and hate, and war,
Creation knows!
O’er it there burns the blood-shot star
That then arose.
Rebellion lifts its rebel arm,
And claims the spoil,
Oblivious to the dread alarm—
The sure recoil!
Weep, weep, O Earth, weep bitter tears
For this thy crime;
Against thee stand two thousand years
Of sin-stained time;
Ere judgment falls, repent thy sin,
For He must reign;
And let the cry, “O Lord,” begin,
“Come back again.”