“How are you getting on today Tom. Are you happy in the Lord?” I asked a young man who had been converted at our meetings.
“Thanks be to God, I am happy, but Satan has been at me as you said he would be, trying to make me doubt whether I am really saved or not.”
“What do you meet him with on these occasions, Tom?” I asked, being desirous of knowing on what he rested for his salvation and the assurance of it.
The young man drew from his breast pocket a Testament, and opening it said,
“I just give him the verses through which I was led to the Savior that night in the old schoolhouse. The first is in Rom. 5:8,
While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, and the other, John 3:36,
“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.’ When I read these aloud my soul is happy and Satan gives over. “
These are the true weapons of warfare wherewith to meet the Great Adversary. He cannot stand them: the work of Christ as the cause and rock of salvation, the Word of God the ground of its assurance.
But like that happy man, you must first discover your need of Christ, then receive Him as your personal Savior before you can stand firm on the Rock, and thus meet the adversary with the Word of God.