ONE morning, when Jesus, the friend of you men, was on the earth, He was standing on the shore waiting for His friends, the Galilean fishermen, to return, and knowing—poor fellows, these toilers of the deep—that they would want something to eat, He asked them “if they had any meat,” to which they replied, “No.” “Had they any fish?” No. Now the Lord knew the secret of success in fishing. Of course He did.
The Maker of the fish of the deep surely knew. “Cast the net on the right side and ye shall find.” Did they find? Yes. They had a most wonderful “catch”; they were not able to draw the net, so many. Have you got Christ on board, fisherman? He was able to do this then when He was here: He can do it now. Believe in Him, and test Him. He is your friend, fishermen. Are you His friend?
When they came to land they found a fire, fish cooking, and bread, and an invitation to “Come and dine.” Says someone who reads this little book, “Well, I never heard of this before.” My dear friend, there’s a book in your house that you know very little about: many of you know more of the outside than the inside. Books are to read, and if you will open up the book—God’s book, God’s word, God’s letters, God’s compass for the fishermen—and read the 21St letter or chapter in John, you will see all about what Jesus said to his friends the fishermen. I hope you have got a Bible “aboard.” Lots of you men think about everything else to take to sea except God’s word, the Bible. Whoever heard of the captain of a ship or the skipper of a boat going to sea without a compass? And you, none of you, should think of attempting to steer through this world, whether on sea or land, without the compass, God’s word. The Galilean fishermen followed Jesus, and He followed them. He was with them. Have you Jesus “on board”? When they first saw Him He was walking along the sea, and He saw two men casting the net, and He said, “Follow Me.” Going a little further He saw two others, James and John, mending their nets, and Jesus said, “Follow Me,” and they followed Him. Jesus takes notice of you, speaks to you, “Follow Me.” Are you following Him? Are you obedient to His call? He doesn’t ask you to improve yourself first. He knows all about you. Yes, there is not a man in the world that knows you half so well. He calls you as you are, that is how He must have you, and then He will just show you and your mates what a change He can bring about. He can just prove “that all things have become new.” New in Christ Dear fellows of the sea, you are no worse than others. Hear the other side, you are no better. God says today to you whilst you read these pages, “There is no difference.” “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”
“God is not willing that any should perish.” God loved the world so much “that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
If you come unto Him (Christ), he won’t turn you out. No, not under any conditions. The worse the man, the more reason why He will have you. You see, this man Christ Jesus is just the one suited to a fisherman’s need. Why? He loves fishermen. His dearest friends when He was on the earth before He went to His Father’s house on high were fishermen. Think of that. His dearest friends were fishermen. I am sure of this, that He loves every fisherman in all the world. Yes, He LOVES EVERY FISHERMAN!
I know some dear fishermen who are followers of the Lord, who love the Lord, and are the friends of the Lord, have many a sweet talk with the Lord, who leave their homes in charge of the Lord when they go out, far away. Is that what you do? If so, dear one, we, you and I, are brethren, and the Lord loves us both, and is watching over our interests, and we shall soon meet Him in the air (1 Thess. 4:13-18).
Dear fellows, you will meet the Lord in the air, with every one of God’s dear children, or before the great white throne for judgment and condemnation. Oh, where will you appear? Fishermen by thousands, of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, receive these few words in the name of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who gave His life for you (John 3:14 19: John 5:24: John 6:47: Acts 4:12: Rom. 10:9).
W. M. S.