The Hole in the Wall

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Bang! Bang! Bang!
Jonathan’s eyes got bigger and bigger with each blow of the hammer. He was standing at the top of the basement stairs looking down at his daddy who was pounding on the stairway wall.
Each time the hammer struck the wall, the plaster crumbled a little more, until soon there was a small hole in the wall. Then, as Jonathan watched in amazement, his daddy continued to work with his hammer and crowbar until the little hole became a big one!
Whatever was going on? Well, the old furnace in Jonathan’s house had broken down, and the repairman had said it could not be fixed. The family would have to have a new furnace put in. But they had a problem — the stairway to the basement was so narrow that the new furnace would not fit between its walls. The only way to get it in was to knock a hole in one wall and lower it into the basement though the hole.
When Daddy finished his pounding, he went down to the basement to clean up the plaster mess. Jonathan crept down the stairs and peered through the hole to watch his daddy. It looked like a long way down to where Daddy was sweeping, but Jonathan wanted to join him.
“Daddy,” he called through the hole, “can I come down?”
With a smile, Daddy looked up at his little son, and immediately setting his broom down, he held out his arms. “Sure, Jonny,” he answered. “Just jump and I’ll catch you.”
Without a moment’s waiting, Jonathan jumped right through the hole into his daddy’s arms.
What gave Jonathan the courage to jump? Do you suppose he worried that he might fall and break his leg on the cement basement floor? No, his daddy had said, “I’ll catch you,” and Jonathan believed him. He just jumped, and his daddy safely caught him.
Boys and girls, the Lord Jesus wants you to trust Him just as Jonathan trusted his daddy. The Lord Jesus loved you so much that He died on the cross and shed His blood so that you might have your sins forgiven. Now He says, “Come unto Me” (Matt. 11:28), and “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.
Just believe Him and thank Him for dying for you. He loves you and wants to save you. Won’t you accept Him right now?