The Hooked Fish

Walking beside the River Liffey in Dublin, I stopped to watch some boys who were fishing. They were all excited because one of them had hooked a fish. I looked over the wall, expecting to see them reel in a small trout. But this was no little fish—it was a big fish, and it simply would not believe it was caught.
The boys began playing with it, like a cat with a mouse. They pulled it to the surface to show it that it could no longer do as it pleased. And then they played out lots of line so that it plunged and vanished from sight, thinking it was free. Then they reeled it in once more where it could only thrash around near the surface. Again and again, when they gave it more line it took off with freedom in its mind ... but always the line was there to bring it back. It was hooked.
As I watched it plunge and thrash and put up a good fight, I wanted to cut the line and set it free. But I saw it grow tired and finally give up fighting. I left as the boys held it out of the water by the gills.
I thought of the “fish” I knew, the human ones, who had swallowed Satan’s bait. They had not realized that there was a hook attached that would take away their freedom. They had not realized that after Satan had tired them he would then destroy them ... unless one stronger than Satan cut that line and set them free. Those boys were bigger and stronger than I, so I did not try to cut the line and give that fish its freedom. But we know that the Lord Jesus is bigger and stronger than Satan, and He is able and ready to cut Satan’s line of control over us when we call on Him. There was no good news for that helpless fish, but there is good news for every sinner who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus. “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13. “Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.” Proverbs 29:25. “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalm 50:15.
Are you still hooked on Satan’s line?
ML 12/02/1990