The Horse and the White Hen.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 2min
THERE are many lessons, dear children, we may learn from the actions of animals towards each other. Sometimes they show a great deal of selfishness, and in that they must not be imitated; but in many other cases they show a great deal of kindness and love, and this is very nice to see, whether in animals, or in children.
I want to tell you about a horse and a white hen, that were loving companions.
The hen’s name was Snow, and she would stay around the horse, whether in the stable, or out of doors. When they were in the stable, she would jump up into the manger, close to the horse’s head, and there they would both eat the corn and oats together. They did not trouble each other, nor see which would get the most, but they seemed to love each other, and the horse showed great care for the hen, as she would run under the horse, and the horse was careful not to step on her.
How nice it is to see love manifested in animals, for where true love is shown, the result is happiness; but if selfishness is shown, then quarreling and unhappiness are sure to follow. There is a verse that I would like to have you learn:
“Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” Eph. 4:32.
This scripture is written to those who know their sins are forgiven, and if you want to know how to forgive, you must first know what it is to be forgiven. God forgives us, for Christ’s sake, not because we have been sorry for our sins long enough, or because we have prayed long enough, but when we believe on Christ, and what He has done for us at the cross, in being punished for our sins instead of us, then God forgives us, for His sake.
Oh, think, dear children, how God loves you, and how He freely forgives all who believe in Jesus! So, if you know what it is to have all your sins forgiven for Christ’s sake, you must be willing to forgive others who may wrong you, and try to be kind to all.
If you return evil for evil, you will not be happy, nor will the Lord be pleased. May you remember to be “kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another.”
ML 11/11/1900