Here are some huge ice chips in the Columbia ice fields. The picture brings to my mind a time, several years ago, when two small boys were jumping ice-cakes in the La Have river.
While they were entertaining themselves with this dangerous sport, they were unaware of the danger and became very careless. They pushed themselves farther and farther from the shore and one boy went beyond the length of his pole.
The current of the river, as well as the wind, rapidly swept him out into the deep waters. He was helpless. His friend ran for help, and his mother quickly got a rope, but she found her little boy too far away from the shore, so the rope was of no assistance. It was early spring and of course most of the boats were still in the boathouses. There was only one boat available, and it was in the middle of the river, occupied by a deaf man and his son. It was the son who responded to the call for help and picked up the boy from the ice-cake.
How thankful his mother was, as well as all those standing on the shore, when he was brought to safety.
Are you drifting along, like the little boy on the ice-cake, not watchful of the danger, drifting on and on to an endless eternity? Satan blinds the sinner’s eyes to the coming judgment, and many do not appear to be afraid, but are content to live in their sins. Just as the men in the boat rescued the little boy from the chilly waters of the river, so the Lord Jesus Christ can rescue your soul from eternal hell, if you call upon Him tay. He died that you might live.
“But God Commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8.
ML 03/11/1956