The Indian Weaver

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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Someone once said our life is like an Indian rug, and God is the One who weaves it. What did he mean?
Several years ago I visited the southwestern area of the United States. There I saw American Indians weaving colorful rugs with beautiful designs. As I watched them, I began to understand the answer to this question.
The weaver works steadily, weaving the pattern through the strong hemp cords of the rug. It is hard to guess what color will be used next from the beautiful rainbow colors of yarn that they have. The finished pattern is a secret, known only to the weaver. But we can see and admire what has already been woven.
For Christians, those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, this weaving is like your life. You are the hemp cords, and God has chosen the colors for each day that He weaves into your life. Sometimes He uses yellow for sunny, happy days, sometimes red for very important days, or green for healthy, growing days. But sometimes there is gray for lonely days, or black for painful, sad days.
Why has He chosen some gray and black to mix in with the yellow, red and green? God is very wise and knows what is best for each of us. “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28. If He has given you a gray or black day among all the yellow days, you may be sad or disappointed. But the Lord Jesus has a special reason for choosing that gray or black day for you. You may not understand or even know the reason, but you can thank Him for it, knowing He has chosen that gray or black yarn for your good and for the beauty of the finished design.
If you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you have only weak, rotten cords for God to weave on. A Christian has a new life, or new cords, which is the Spirit of God living in him. This makes a good strong backing for God’s weaving. But anyone who is not saved has only the weak, rotten cords of his sinful life for God’s weaving. Even if He sends yellow, red or green days, what good are they if they are woven through those rotten cords? They would only be used for selfish and sinful reasons. There wouldn’t be a beautiful design to that life. It would have to be destroyed.
God wants to save you from your sins. He wants to give you a new life, which, like good strong cords, can be used to weave in the beautiful design that God has planned for each of us. Let’s stop and think bore grumbling and complaining about what God sends. Are you offering Him good, strong cords or weak, rotten cords with which to weave in the colors of your life?
“If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17.