TODAY I received a letter from a very dear Aunt of mine. I was very glad to hear from her, and I know she loves me. How do I know she loves me? Because she has proved it in many ways. In her letter she told me she wished I would come to see her, and that at any time I would be most welcome.
Isn’t it nice to receive such a kind invitation, and don’t you think I should be very grateful for it?
Do you know, dear children, that you have received a letter with the most gracious invitation that has ever been given to any one? Have you read this letter, and the wonderful invitation, and have you accepted it? It comes from One who loves you more than tongue can tell, and the welcome that waits you when you accept this invitation far surpasses any earthly joy that you may have known.
God Himself invites you to spend eternity in His home above. He has given the dearest object of His heart, His own beloved Son to die on the cross in order that this invitation might be given, for if the Lord Jesus had not shed His precious blood to cleanse away our sins, we would not be fit to be in His presence.
If you will take God’s precious Word, and turn to Matt. 11:28, and Luke 14:17, you will find two of the many times that God repeats this invitation, “COME.”
“Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
“Come, for all things are now ready.”
Will you not accept these invitations, and come to the Lord Jesus Christ today, and receive Him as your own Saviour for now and for eternity?
ML 10/22/1933