“I say onto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” Luke 15:10.
WHEN God, in vast eternal times,
Came forth to show his power,
And fixed the earth’s alternate chimes
To mark each future hour:
The angels stood to watch the ways
His wisdom should employ;
Together sang their morning praise
In shouts of holy joy.
When God the Son, in covenant love,
Took flesh for man to die,
The joy which filled the courts above
Came with Him through the sky:
An angel led the heavenly song
Which echoed peace on earth;
And then the whole uncounted throng
Proclaimed Emmanuel’s birth.
When God the Holy Spirit’s voice
Creates new life within,
The hosts before the throne rejoice
To see His work begin:
The sinner weeps his newborn love
At his Redeemer’s feet;
And angels in the home above
Renew their rapture sweet.
Once more there shall be joy in heaven:
When all the ransomed band,
Their sorrows dried, their sins forgiven,
Shall reach that happy land:
I hope to bow amongst that throng,
Unending joy to share;
And sing the sweet eternal song
With saints and angels there.
W. W.