A young man entered a, store, where a servant of God was just buying something; the latter was struck by the young man’s weak and suffered appearance, and felt impelled to ask him, if he had found peace in believing on the Lord Jesus Christ? The immediate answer was, “I possess Christ, isle is my peace.”
Inquiring how and when this had taken place, the young man describes to him the way in which God had led him, in order to bring His Word home to his heart. For a long while he had been in great anxiety about his soul.
“Every Sunday,” said he, “I went about to hear sermons, trying to find some comfort, but God gave me peace in His way, not in mine.
One Monday morning as I was working in the telegraph-office, deeply grieved and anxious about my sins, I implored God to grant me peace and forgiveness; as I feared I would become insane. Just then there was call from W., an address was given and then the words:
“Behold, the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.”
“In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.”
Those words, “Lamb of God,” “Redemption,” “Blood,” “Riches of His grace,” fell like balm into my heart, and no one in the world could taste greater joy than I did on that Monday morning.
The telegram was sent to me from God. It was addressed to a young woman working in the neighborhood. She had written about the state of her soul, to her employer’s brother, who had used this means of answering her letter. She told me later, that the same message had brought her the light of life.
Dear reader! are you anxious and troubled about your sins? O, go then, for refuge to the Lamb of God, to the redemption, the blood and the riches of His grace. Those two verses contain God’s testimony, in the first place concerning the person, and in the second place concerning the work, of His beloved Son, by whom God is perfectly glorified, so that He now can give you rest—rest in Him, who hath made peace—through the blood of His cross.
ML 05/12/1946