It was locked! We wondered how we could get inside. Everything was locked up tight! Again we tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t open. What do you think we needed? Yes, you’re right—we needed the key. And how glad we were when we finally found it! Then it was easy. The key did its job well, and the unlocked door allowed us to go inside.
This experience reminds us somewhat of the story in the eighth chapter of Acts about the man who was puzzled about something he had read from Isaiah chapter 53 in the Old Testament. The meaning of what he had read seemed all locked up to him; he just couldn’t understand it. This was the scripture: “He was led as a sheep to the slaughter, and like a lamb....” Acts 8:32. What does this mean, he thought? Of whom is the prophet speaking, himself or some other man, and who is the lamb? How he wanted to know!
And then, while he was still reading, God sent one of His servants to him with the answer. The servant of God told him about JESUS! Jesus was the lamb about whom the man had been reading. Jesus was the One who had suffered and whose blood had been shed for sins. Yes, the story of Jesus was the KEY to open up the truth of the Word of God to this man’s anxious soul. With great joy he received the Lord Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour. Then he was baized and went on his way rejoicing. The servant of God went to other places to tell many more people about Jesus.
You, too, can find that knowing Jesus will be the key to happiness in your life. He is the answer to every problem, and He alone is able to satisfy your soul. He will wash away your sins in His precious blood. He will give you true peace and happiness now. He will share His marvelous home in heaven with you for all eternity if you will only receive Him as your own personal Saviour and Lord. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31. After you are saved you will enjoy reading your Bible. The Lord Jesus Christ is the key to it. He will do for you what He did for His disciples long ago when “He opened their understanding, that they might understand the Scriptures,” and when “He expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.” (See Luke 24:27,45).