The Lamb on the Throne.

IN the book of the Revelation the Lord Jesus Christ is called by the name of the “little” lamb. That book of the Bible, which in so solemn a way reveals Him judging and punishing iniquity, teaches us this
His name, a name of that which we reckon the utmost weakness. In no other Scripture is the Lord called the “little” lamb. In the Revelation He is so designated twenty-eight times. Further, when the throne of the everlasting and almighty God is revealed in the visions of the book, and the ceaseless cry surrounding it is recorded, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come,” the “little” lamb is presently revealed in the midst of that throne, and “as it had been slain”! The majesty and unutterable glory of the throne of God on the one hand, and the shame and untold depths of suffering of the Lord Jesus on the other! What a surprise to infidelity will be that great sight! And, in the vision, we find all beings, all creation, give glory to God upon the throne, and to the Lamb.
We cannot contemplate such a sight as this without being awe-struck. From that throne proceeded thunderings, lightnings, and voices. Divine judgment issued from that throne, and the book in the right hand of Him who sat upon that throne was one of judgment. Those seals have yet to be unloosed, but God will surely judge iniquity; angels and men must stand before Him— quick and dead must appear at His bar; we all must give an account of ourselves to God.
But the Father judgeth no man; He has committed all judgment to the Son. (John 5:22.)
In the vision John beheld all heaven attentive to the seven-sealed book in God’s right hand; he heard the mighty challenge, “Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof” Silence ensued. No creature was worthy of the work. But presently he was told the secret. The Lion of the tribe of Judah had prevailed to open it. As he turned his eye to see, lo, instead of the Lion, he beheld the “little” lamb as it had been slain, and He came and took the book out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne. Then all heaven awoke in songs and shouts of glory, honor and praise, and all cried “Worthy is the Lamb!” and all fell down before the throne and worshipped God, and the uttermost parts of creation re-echoed the sound of glory, and those nearest the throne answered the echoes with “Amen,” and they fell down before the throne and worshipped God and the Lamb.
That vision will shortly be a reality to our eyes; soon the Lord Jesus, who was slain, rejected, despised, will take the awful book of judgment, unseal and unroll it. When the great day of His wrath is come who shall be able to stand? Vain then will it be for those who now are His rejecters to cry to the hills and the rocks to fall on them and hide them from the wrath of the Lamb.
Dear reader, are you ready for eternity? We appeal to you by this solemn yet hastening day to be no longer indifferent to coming wrath. Are you unsaved? Are you unfit for God’s presence? Better never to have been born than to pass out of this world into eternity to live in eternal doom. Better―aye, a thousand times better―never to have been born than to live to fall into the wrath of the Lamb! God have mercy on your soul, poor unsaved sinner!
See you where God places, in the visions He gave to His servant, the suffering to death and shame of the Redeemer! See you where He places for all creation to behold, and all the holy and happy to adore, the Lamb as it had been slain! His great throne of glory What shall Judas and Pilate and the priests and people of Calvary say, when they learn that He whom they slew with wicked hands, and nailed to a tree, is the eternal Son of God? Ah! what shall our modern infidel say―what shall the scoffers of this nineteenth century say―yes, what will you say to the Lamb on the throne?
The hands that were stretched out upon the cross, the pierced hands of Jesus, shall unloose the seals of the book of judgment and of woe. Those hands, whence ran the precious blood, shall dispense the vengeance of God against unpardoned sin. What contemplation more terrible, more absolutely hopeless, than this―He who is the Saviour will be the Judge; He whose blood was shed to save, will execute wrath upon all who refuse divine mercy.
Sinner, bow before God’s throne now, Proud worm of earth, cry for mercy while the day of salvation still lingers. Now is the day of salvation; tomorrow may be the day of judgment.