He gazed upon Him as He walked;
He watched Him as He trod;
And said, with rapt and reverent mien,
“Behold the Lamb of God.”
On him the glory of that hour
Shone with no fitful gleam;
But bright to his adoring eyes
Who Israel’s Lord had seen.
At last the stars of prophecy
Had melted into day;
And shadows from the ages gone
Had passed in light away.
At last the voices of the past,
That thrilled through hearts on earth,
Had deepened to angelic praise
O’er Bethlehem’s wondrous birth.
For now the living Word appears
Where God as Jesus trod;
And faith absorbed in rapture cries
“Behold the Lamb of God.”
Have you, in this a later day,
Had heart and soul sufficed
By Him who fills heaven’s highest throne,
God’s Lamb, the risen Christ?