The Last Day of Grace

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
These were the words at the bottom of a statement issued by a bank in one of our large cities. Who the creditor was, or whether he lacked power or willingness to meet his debt of nearly $200, I cannot say. Nor do I know how the debt was contracted. However, this statement made it plain that time for meeting it was to be extended no longer. The last day of grace had come!
There is a debt we have all contracted, a debt of sin. Scripture says: "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." This is a debt that we, too, can never pay, for we are like the two debtors of Luke 7:4242And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most? (Luke 7:42). One owed but fifty pence, and the other owed five hundred pence; but they both alike "had nothing to pay.”
Have you ever thought of the debt of sin that you have contracted and are increasing day by day—sins of commission and sins of omission? How are you going to meet it? You may be but a fifty pence debtor, but you have "nothing to pay.”
Friend, a reckoning day is coming! Every one of us shall give account of himself to God. How soon will that day come? I know not. The day of God's grace has already lasted nearly 2000 years, but ere long the last day of His grace is coming and His righteous claim must be met. To escape the penalty of your debt of sin—eternal perdition—what must you do?
Whether you are a fifty pence debtor or a five hundred pence debtor; whether you are a respectable professor and presenting to God the filthy rags of your own righteousness, though meanwhile a sinner; or, though you be steeped in all iniquity imaginable, there is full and free forgiveness for you in this day of God's grace through the Lord Jesus Christ. He has paid your debt by shedding His own precious blood. Will you accept His payment and receive His pardon—His receipt? "All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God"; but to everyone who receives Him this scripture applies, "being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.”
Beware, dear reader, of delay in settling this matter; God's day of grace is nearly over. When He sent His beloved Son into the world, the "grace of God that bringeth salvation" appeared to all men. The gospel of His grace has been going forth ever since. Hasten to avail yourself of the free payment of your debt announced by that gospel, lest the last day of grace find you unprepared.
"The sin alights on Jesus' head,
'Tis in His blood sin's debt is paid;
Stern justice can demand no more,
And mercy can dispense her store.”