The Last Sacrifice

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On the island of Formosa in some of the mountain regions live a group of people called the Aborigines. As late as 1932 These mountain people had hunted human heads which were offered in pagan sacrifices to their heathen gods.
Gow Hong was a little Chinese merchant from the lowlands of Formosa. He first contacted these head-hunters for the purpose of doing business with them. He sold them salt and other products they could not produce for themselves in their terraced rice fields. He came to trade, but then he settled down and began to live among them.
Gow Hong was, I believe, a Christian. As the people came to know him more and more, they discovered there was something different about this man. He had a glow, a love, and a tenderness they did not have in their own lives. The Chinese man persuaded his new friends to put an end to their habit of head-hunting.
After living with them for several years he called the people together and said, “There is one thing you must stop, completely and forever. You must stop the practice of taking life in order to obtain heads for sacrifice to your gods.”
The people did not respond particularly to his arguments, but they were sorry that their friend was displeased with them. Finally the leaders of the tribe said to him, “We’ll take only a few heads this year.”
Gow Hong answered, “You must not take even a few.”
The leaders talked together, and returned. “We have made our decision,” they said. “This year, because we areciate all the things you have done for us, we have decided to take only one head.”
Gow Hong tried to persuade them to give up the thought, but the leaders’ hearts were made up. They would take only one more head. The Chinese man was very sad, but he finally said, “What night is it this month that you have your rites and where will you go for your victim?” Trusting him, they told him. Then he returned to his home, glad that at last he had their promise to stop head-hunting forever after this one last sacrifice.
Great were the preparations for the big feast. It was a very dark night, and the hunters sharpened their knives and went to the appointed spot where they would await their victim. In the deep darkness of a jungle trail they listened for a traveler’s footsteps.
Soon after midnight they heard someone approaching. The natives crouched for the attack; then the shadowy shape of their victim was seen. There was the swing of a heavy knife, and all was over. The young men raced back to the village in the darkness, so that the ceremony could begin. Everyone crowded around to see the victim, but the people fell back in stunned amazement, for it was their Chinese friend—the only man who had ever been concerned about them or loved them enough to care what happened to them. Now he was dead, and they had killed him.
In the silence that followed, they all realized that their Chinese friend must have knowingly become their sacrifice. They had promised him they would take only one more life — then he had become the sacrifice. “We shall never forget that promise,” the leaders said. Never again did they sacrifice, and some of them have since found the Saviour who also laid down His life for them.
Gow Hong, the Chinese merchant, laid down his life to stamp out headhunting among the aborigines in Foosa. The Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son, laid down His life that sinners through Him might be saved.
Dear friend, have you accepted this wonderful Saviour who has done,so much for you? Can you go on heedless of His gracious call, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest?” Matt. 11:28. His sacrifice on Calvary was to put away your sins, and if you by faith accept His finished work and take Him now as your Saviour, you will be the possessor of everlasting life. His Word says, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36.
“Hereby perceive we the love of God, because He laid down His life for us.” 1 John 3:16.
“He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.” Heb. 9:26.
ML 06/14/1959