There is an end to everything here. There is the last year, the last day, the last invitation to come to Christ, and the last offer of pardon. Yes, the last time will come when those eyes of yours will see the bright sunlight. Then the last beat and throb of that heart of yours, and of mine, and then what?
Eternity! Think of it, a "never-ending now," in either heaven or hell.
Which will it be for you? There is only one way to heaven and that is through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished work upon the cross of Calvary. If you will accept Him as your Savior, you can say with assurance that to leave this world will be to be with Christ, whether you leave it at His coming (which is very near) or through death.
"The end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober." 1 Peter 4:7.