The Light Switch That Fooled People

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One of our Sunday school rooms had the light switch on the “wrong” side of the room. The teacher, or whoever got there first, had to walk in the dark across the room to turn on the light. Tom, the handyman, decided to add another switch right inside the door so that either switch would turn on the light.
Tom figured out exactly where the new switch should go and cut a hole in the wall for the new switch box. Then he crawled underneath the building and drilled holes up through the floor for the electrical wires. After the holes were drilled he pushed the wire up through the floor hole into the wall to the new switch. Then he crawled out from underneath the building and went back to the room so he could attach the wire to the new switch. Once that was done, he screwed the cover plate on. It looked like a finished job.
The last step was to attach the new wire to the old switch. This would give electricity to the new switch. Tom was going to need help with that part. But there was no more time that day, so he left everything just the way it was and went home.
The next day was Sunday. After Sunday school was over the teacher said, “Tom, I noticed you got the new switch in but it doesn’t work!” The new light switch looked just like any other light switch, but it had fooled the teacher and others who had tried to turn the light on. They couldn’t tell that it didn’t have electricity.
Sometimes boys and girls, and grown-ups too, are like the light switch. They may fool their friends and parents by saying they are Christians when they really don’t know the Lord Jesus as their own Saviour. They might even think they can fool God, but the Bible says, “The Lord KNOWETH them that are His.” 2 Timothy 2:19.
If you were to look at the new switch, it would look like any other switch. Even if you removed the switch plate, you would find all the wires connected where they were supposed to be. Perhaps you go to Sunday school every week and learn the memory verse. You might act and talk like a Christian. You might even pretend to pray. But if you have not accepted the Lord Jesus in your heart by faith you are still lost in your sins. The new life is not there.
Why didn’t the switch work? Well, underneath the building the wire was just lying on the ground. It had no electricity . . . it was not connected to the other switch. The hole to the other switch had been drilled for the wire, but the wire had not been connected. For you, Jesus made a way to heaven by dying and shedding His precious blood to cleanse away sin. But are you “connected” to Him? Have you admitted you are a lost, guilty sinner and received that new life—everlasting life? All you have to do is believe. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on Him.” John 3:36. This is the only way to receive new life.
We may be able to fool our friends and relatives, but we can never fool God. “Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7. If you are trying to fool people into thinking you are a Christian, don’t waste valuable time. The Lord Jesus is coming soon to take all who are real believers home to be with Him in heaven. If you wait too long to accept Him as your Saviour, you may find yourself left behind when the Lord Jesus comes. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
Do you have that necessary life—everlasting life?
ML 09/16/1990