The Line of Prophecy Resumed

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
If you will refer to the diagram, you will find that the line of prophecy is resumed between the circle, marked Pentecost, and the circle, marked Millennium. The Church will close its earthly journey, when the rapture takes place, and it will be removed to heaven. The millennium is still more in the future and will be ushered in at the appearing, when our Lord shall come to earth with His heavenly saints and set up His kingdom over the Jews, His ancient people. This is indicated by the two upward lines, indicating the rapture and the appearing.
It is just at this point Tribulationists go far wrong. They teach that the rapture and the appearing will happen together without any time break. One Tribulation writer says, " Christ comes FOR His saints, and WITH them at the same crisis." The idea of a non-stop rush for the Church to be raptured to heaven, and without a pause to be rushed back to earth, and all happening in the twinkling of an eye, sounds utterly unlike the reasonableness and sanity of Holy Scripture. This we certainly proved to be untrue in our examination of Rev. 3:10, 11, and the confirmatory Scripture, 2 Thess. 1:6-8. These Scriptures plainly declare, that the Church of God will NOT go through the Great Tribulation period.
In the short period between the rapture and the appearing Scripture prophecies give us the revival of the Roman Empire; the emergence of Antichrist, as the willful king of Israel (Dan. 2:36-39); leading up to the decisive battle of Armageddon, and the advent of Christ to reign.