The Little Girl Who Was Lost.

MR. L. was teaching some little girls in Sunday School one afternoon, and describing the meaning of the lost sheep, and the kind shepherd who sought it upon the high mountains and saved it from death; also how that Jesus was the Good Shepherd, and died to save all those who trust in Him.
When he had finished there was silence for a few moments, then a little girl of seven said:
“O, teacher, I am lost.”
“Lost, dear,” he answered, “how can that be? You are in school.”
“Yes, but teacher, I am lost,” she continued.
“But Florry, dear, if you, are in school, how can you be said to be lost?” This he said to try her.
“O, but please, teacher, I’m lost to God,” answered the child in earnest tones.
What a depth of sweetness there was in her simple utterance, to realize that she was lost to God; to know, deaf children, that she was like the lost sheep on the mountain, and needed the Good Shepherd to go after her and find her; and Jesus was waiting, the teacher had said, to find all those who were lost in sin; He would shelter them beneath His precious blood, which was shed on Calvary, that they might be saved from death and sin through trusting in Him, who was the Good Shepherd, and gave His life for the sheep. These are His own words:
“The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10.)
ML 06/24/1917