The Little Grackle

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 5min
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Memory Verse: “We believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved.” Acts 15:11
Where we live there are many blackbirds with shiny feathers that glisten purple in the sunshine. They are called grackles. They are not the nicest birds to have around because they are large, noisy, bold, dirty and they usually come in large flocks. But there is beauty in all of God’s creation, and there is beauty even in a grackle.
A favorite nesting place for a grackle in the summer is in an unused fireplace chimney. Our story begins with a baby grackle in a chimney near an old hospital.
One morning while the hospital’s caretaker was eating breakfast in his cottage on the hospital grounds, he heard a flutter of wings by the fireplace. With a thump a gawky little grackle landed in a heap in the ashes. He was terribly dirty and his eyes were full of soot and ashes. Tom, the caretaker, carefully picked up the dazed baby bird. He cleaned off the soot and ashes and decided to adopt the little bird. He fed it each day with bits of food from his own plate. After a while the bird became tame and would fly around Tom while he worked outside. Tom had fixed up a small, protected area in the toolshed where his pet grackle could sleep or come in out of the rain. But when he was hungry he knew right where to go—to Tom’s cottage.
Tom taught the bird to repeat a couple of words. But the only word that anyone beside Tom could understand was “Jack, Jack.” So the grackle’s name became Jack.
This call, “Jack, Jack,” was what greeted Tom each morning as he walked to the toolshed. Even Tom’s footsteps were soon recognized by Jack.
Jack became very obedient, too. Tom decided that Jack must have learned a lesson from his fall down the chimney. Evidently in his hurry to get out of a crowded nest, Jack had stepped over the edge and had fallen down that long, dark chimney into the fireplace. If he had fallen down any other chimney he probably would have died. It was a good thing Jack fell down the chimney of someone who loved birds. Jack became lost when he fell out of the nest. There was no way that he could save himself. He had to be rescued by Tom.
Doesn’t this remind us a little of what happened to Adam and Eve, our first parents? In the Garden of Eden they were safe and cared for by God. But they disobeyed God and were cast out of the garden—out of God’s presence. As a result of Adam and Eve’s sin, all people (men, women, boys and girls) are sinners and away from God. But God loved Adam and Eve and at once looked for them, calling, “Where art thou?” Genesis 3:9.
God in His love to you is still calling, “Where art thou?” He wants you to see your helpless need, to repent and turn to Him.
God gave His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die for sinners like you and me. He took the punishment that we deserved for our sins so that He might bring us to God. Are you included when God says, “Thou art Mine"? One of the greatest joys of a believer in Jesus is to know that he belongs to God. Wouldn’t you like to know that, too?
One night there was a severe summer thunderstorm. Lightning flashed, thunder clapped, wind whipped the trees, and it rained hard. Tom did not worry about Jack because he was sure Jack was safe in the toolshed.
The next morning as Tom walked to the toolshed there was no call, “Jack, Jack,” to greet him. Opening the door, he found that Jack was gone. The storm must have frightened him. He probably flew out into the night and into the bad storm.
Are you still out in the dark, frightening world that will soon see God’s storm of judgment? Or are you safe in God’s hands because you have accepted His Son, the Lord Jesus, as your Saviour? The choice is yours. This is what the Lord Jesus says about anyone who believes in Him: “I know them... and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.” John 10:27,28.
Tom looked around for Jack and finally found him, but he was almost dead. His feathers were wet and he was very cold. Once more, Jack probably would have died if Tom had not found him. This time Tom decided to keep his pet inside his cottage. He built Jack a big cage where he would be protected and safe.
God will take care of you, too. He will not only save you and care for you, He also has a beautiful home all ready for you in heaven where you will live with Him forever. Won’t you accept Him as your Saviour and let Him share all this with you?
“Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37.