The Lord Is Thy Keeper

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A TERRIBLE storm raged in the bay causing the water of the river to rise in such a degree that the lower part of Petersburg was under water. That morning a man and his wife had to go out to work for a few hours. They asked God to take care of their two little children, four and five years old, whom they had to leave alone in the house. Their work was in a higher part of the city so they were not aware of the rising of the water. Hover when they left for home, they soon found the water became so deep that they could not get through to their house and no boat was available. Unspeakable anguish filled their hearts, but they cried to God to save their little ones.
Finally they were able to get through to their house, and in breathless suspense they opened the door. What do you think they saw? On the table the two children were lying asleep, embracing each other. Overwhelmed with joy the parents thanked God for having kept their darlings alive and safe. They woke the children who were oh so happy to see them, and the little ones asked for something to eat. Then they told their parents what had happened.
They were playing in the room, when they noticed water running in under the door. With glee they got out their little boats and had fun sailing them. When the water rose higher, they were afraid and got on the chairs. Then they got up onto the big round table where they continued to play. The water did not come there, they said. After a while they got tired and fell asleep.
From the marks in the room it was evident that the water had risen much higher than the table, but the table itself was dry. The water had lifted up the table like a boat and set it down again when the flood retreated. Surely the angels of the Lord were there to keep those little ones from danger in answer to the prayers of their parents.
Of the angels the Scripture saith: “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” Heb. 1:14.
“He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” Psa. 91:11.
O how good it is to know God as our Father and His beloved Son as our Saviour! To be able to commit ourselves and our loved ones into His care and safe-keeping! This is the portion of those who trust in Him who came into this world and went to Calvary’s cross to save sinners by the sacrifice of Himself.
“O Lord... Blessed are they that dwell in Thy house: they will still be praising Thee... Blessed is the man that trusteth in Thee.” Psa. 84:3, 4, 12.
Does our dear reader have this confidence, this hope, this joy? God grant that you may through simple faith in His Word.