The Lord Our Keeper

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A word to those who are afraid they might “fall away.”
I used to fear I might fall away,
And get lost on the heavenly road;
Till I saw in the Word of the Lord one day,
I was “kept by the power of God.”
What a flood of joy came into my heart,
As I trusted the precious blood;
And believed that from Christ I would never more part,
Being “kept by the power of God.”
My companions may laugh, the ungodly may sneer,
And say, “He will soon fall away”;
But, while kept by God’s power, I have nothing to fear,
For His strength shall uphold me each day.
I am saved, and rejoice of His goodness to tell,
Who has kept me each day and each hour;
Since the day that He saved me from sin and from hell,
He has guarded me safe by His power.
If any are fearing to come to the Lord,
Lest they stumble, and then “fall away,”
O remember that promise so plain in the Word:
“I will keep thee by night and by day.”
(Psa. 121:6.)
“He that keepeth thee will not slumber... The Lord is thy keeper:... The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul.” Psa. 121:3,5,7.
Memory Verse: “Behold, God is my salvation: I will trust, and not be afraid.” Isa. 12:2.
ML 01/31/1965