The Lost Hand, and the Found Sheep

 •  7 min. read  •  grade level: 9
SOME time ago when a friend of mine was on a visit to me he kindly gave my little boy a new bright Waterbury watch, which in course of time required some repair, and I took it to a jeweler to be adjusted.
While waiting in the shop to hear what was amiss with it, the watchmaker accidentally dropped one of the hands, which he thought fell upon the floor. For some time, kneeling down, he made diligent search for it, but without the desired effect.
Leaning over the counter, I quoted to him, when on his knees, these and other scriptures:—" All we, like sheep, have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way "(Isa. 53:6)." The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost "(Luke 19:10)." I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep” (John 10:11). "And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand " (John 10:28). At the same time, I requested him not to give up seeking the lost hand, and remarked that if God was seeking him, a lost sheep, He would never overlook him, never pass him by, nor give him up, but would find him; and I pressed the point that it was only the LOST that could be FOUND.
I would here say, that from past acquaintance with him I feared he did not possess either eternal life or peace with God.
He rose from his knees in considerable exercise of soul, and I told him the Holy Ghost was, so to speak, brushing about in the rubbish of this dark world to find lost sinners, just as the woman mentioned in Luke 15 swept her floor for her lost piece of silver, lighting a candle for the purpose.
I said to the young man, that as this watch-hand could not be easily replaced, being of a special kind manufactured in America, he had perhaps better strike a light and brush up in further search; which he most willingly did, till there was a small heap of dust in the middle of the floor, in which he searched carefully, but still unsuccessfully. I reminded him, that if he could find the lost hand, we would rejoice together over it as the woman rejoiced over her found piece of silver, and as was so when the lost sheep was found, and when the prodigal returned to his father.
A second time he rose from his knees, evidently in deeper exercise of soul, and said he would like to be found as a lost sheep, owned he was really lost, and deserved to remain lost forever. He said he had a praying father, who would get his dear old heart gladdened if he knew his son's soul was saved. On the following Sunday lie went home to see his father (a believer), who resides in a neighboring town.
During the day the son became so anxious that his father sent for a relative to speak to and pray with him. In the interview God, in His grace and mercy, found the lost one, and gave him peace in believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, and in trusting His precious blood that cleanses from all sin, and shelters from all judgment; and, thank God, this dear soul is now, I believe, rejoicing in his safety on the shoulders of the Good Shepherd, and on his way to glory to be with Him and like Him forever.
Dear reader, do not lay down this paper on merely satisfying your curiosity by reading the narrative, but listen a little to another story, and allow your conscience to answer a question or two.
Have you ever realized your lost and ruined condition, taken your true place as such before God, and received peace in believing in the Lord Jesus Christ? Eternal praise be to the name of the Lord if you have!
Have you ever given joy in the presence of the angels in heaven over you, as a lost and found repentant sinner, more than over ninety and nine just persons who need no repentance? If so, I join in thanking God.
The lost ones are being found far and near, and soon the last will be found, then the door will be shut forever. Well indeed will it be for all who are not found outside the door that will never more open. The Good Shepherd is on the lookout for the lost and helpless. He passes by all who think they are not lost, and who imagine they can get back in their own fancied strength.
But remember, He finds only the lost ones; others need no finding. He did “not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Matt. 9:13). My friend, don't deceive yourself, nor let Satan deceive you either. God says we ARE LOST, without strength, and without hope in the world.
Do not for one single moment dream of ever getting back of yourself.
Did you ever hear of a sheep finding its way back of itself to the place it had strayed from I never did. Nor have I heard that any soul ever did. Sheep, unlike some animals, always stray farther away.
So it is with the sinner. He strays farther and farther on the dark mountains of sin. Ever since our first parents strayed away behind the trees of the Garden of Eden, man in his natural state has tried to get as far away from God as possible.
Satan wants you to remain lost, and lost forever, and is doing all in his power to accomplish his purpose. He will hinder your blessing as far as satanic power can hinder it, which is one reason why it is so important this solemn question should be deeply pondered. The Lord Jesus Christ came down to where we are on purpose to seek us, save us, and satisfy us with Himself in the glory for Beloved soul, then why not let Him have His way with you? He said when down here (and it is as true today), " Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest " (Matt. 11:28).
O do think of being lost forever, in the regions of eternal misery, away in endless duration from “the Shepherd that died for the sake of the flock,” —for lost sinners; and away from, ah I it may be, a father or a mother, a brother or a sister, a husband or a wife, who is now praying for you, and yearning over your soul at this very moment.
Now, altogether apart from the consequences of sin, and the rejection of the wonderful salvation wrought out by the Savior, is there nothing to attract your heart in that Blessed One who, at such a cost, and in such love, came from such a height and went to such a depth to save such lost ones, and who is gone back to prepare a place for all who receive Him in this the day of God's grace and long suffering mercy? "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2).
May God, by His Spirit, even while you are reading this paper, dear unsaved one, open your eyes to the reality of all that is now before your soul, so that you may see where you have strayed to, and the consequences. May He find you just as you are and where you are, and thus bring you back to Himself, that you may have your eternal portion in Himself, for His own precious name's sake. Amen.
J. N.