The Love of God

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
We were lost in nature’s darkness;
Help nowhere for us was found;
Without strength we were and helpless;
Then we heard the joyful sound;
God so loved the world
He gave us His beloved Son to die
On the cross that He might save us;
Where is love with God’s to vie?
On divine insistence, look we
With amazed, adoring eyes
Upon Jesus there at Calvary
As He languishes and dies;
Dies for all, we do believe Him;
He for you has shed His blood;
Will you not by faith receive Him
And by Him be brought to God?
Brought to God, O gracious Saviour,
In the virtue of Thy blood;
We are through Thy love and favor
Thy joint-heirs and heirs of God;
This high honor we inherit,
Sons of God through sovereign grace,
We are, through Thy worth and merit,
Fully saved from Adam’s race.
E. Tonn (1985)
“O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him” (Psalm 34:8).