The Low-Set Door Bell

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
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One day I stopped to visit in a home to talk to the mother of two children who were coming to Sunday school. I knew that the home was a foster home for many children over the years, but I had never visited there before. I walked up to the front door and looked for the doorbell button, but at first I couldn’t find it. Looking more carefully, I finally noticed that it was set very low, only about three feet above the bottom of the door. I stooped down, pushed the button and soon the door opened. I asked the lady why she had the doorbell set so low, it seemed to be out of place.
“It’s not out of place,” she replied. “Some of the children that stay with us here are quite young. They wouldn’t be able to reach the bell if it had been set in its usual place higher up on the door. We wanted to make sure that everyone who stays here thinks this home was made for them.”
The doorbell is also set down very low on God’s door of mercy, so that any little child can easily use it. He’s just waiting to answer. Have you tried it yet? “I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.” John 10:9.