THERE are several strong and swift currents which flow along the Norwegian coast. In rough weather at full tide these counter-streams being driven by the wind at accelerated speed, intercept one another, and form whirlpools. One, exceptionally large and dangerous, is known as the Maelstrom. It covers an area of about four square miles, the outermost circle being more than twelve miles in circumference. At this distance from the center it is difficult to detect the presence of the eddy, but as it sweeps inwards it increases in speed and violence, sometimes running at the rate of twelve miles an hour, showing itself to be a raging whirlpool. Unwary fishing-boats are drawn into its track, and rarely do the sailors discover, till their fate is inevitable, that they are caught in the grip of the dreaded Maelstrom.
Although they may spread every stitch of canvas before the wind, all their efforts are futile to wrest the boat from such a deadly embrace. She is tossed upon the turbulent water and whirled round and round in giddy circles. Before her gapes the mouth of a huge funnel. With a roaring sound the water swirls round in its black depths; very soon the boat and occupants are engulfed in the rushing vortex, and no trace of them is left.
Some hours later, as the whirlpool disperses, floating fragments appear and tell how the boat and victims were dashed against the hidden rocks below.
Such is the fearful end of those caught in the Maelstrom.
Yet the Maelstrom is but a poor illustration of the great whirlpool of sin; its mighty current swiftly bearing souls into the black jaws of death.
My reader, if unconverted thou art caught in this terrible eddy. In front of thee roars the vortex of death, and thy soul is in danger of being lost on the rocks of judgment beneath.
Thousands of men and women are being swept to this terrible end. Although many may be only on the outermost circle, yet the power of sin has them as surely in its grasp as those who are on the very brink of the black funnel mouth of the Maelstrom.
Every effort to escape from its power is fruitless. No mortal hand can drag the victims from that awful vortex.
Yet, thanks be to God, for sinners there is an escape. Christ Jesus through His death overcame the power of sin and Satan. He rose triumphant from the grave, and lives again, mighty to save. We read, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Rom. 10:13).
Anxious soul, this promise is for THEE. From the depths of thy heart send up the cry—O Lord, SAVE ME.
Wait not for another day lest the waters of death overwhelm thy soul, and thou be lost in the blackness of despair.
There is no hope beyond the grave.
L. M. B.