The Man for Whom Christ Died

As we went about among the passengers about to sail, we came to one fellow, a foreigner, tall, swarthy, and forbidding in appearance. “Methodist?” I asked. Instantly his countenance changed to rare brightness, and he replied, “I am the man for whom Christ died.”
It was, a very simple reply, but I do not know that I ever had one that thrilled me more. He said he was a Congregationalist, and that he had a lot of Bibles on board, in the vernacular, that he was taking “home” with him. He said, “Our folks in Cusomomatri never see Bibles, and never knew the real way that Christ died just for them. I’ll tell them.” Then, warming to his subject, he said, “I’ll tell them I prospered in this Am-e-re-ca, that I bring home big pile of lira (money), earned in my business, and best of all, I have learned good news, and am the man for whom Christ died.”
The dear fellow enjoyed our talk with him greatly, and in parting said, “I am glad you came. This beats all. I have seen missionaries sail from this port time and again, Baptists, Congregationalists, Methodists, but this beats all.”