The Man Who Saw Men as Big as Trees

Mark 8:22‑26  •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 5
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You will surely remember that when Jesus was here on earth, He showed wonderful power to heal anyone who needed healing. One of His names is “Wonderful,” and His power has not changed.
Why then do we read of many in Israel, before Jesus came to earth, who were sick with leprosy and other diseases? And why are many Christians sick today? That puzzle is answered when we remember that our wonderful Savior healed everyone who came to Him when He was here. But now He is gone because the world did not want Him. We who are redeemed by His precious blood know that He does not hide His love today, but He hides His power. Even if you are sick, you can be sure that He loves you and He cares. “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood” (Revelation 1:5).
When Jesus was here, the people brought a blind man to Him. Just touch him, the people said to Jesus. But they were not wise to tell Jesus what to do. His wisdom is perfect, and if we choose our own way of getting things done, we are sure to be losers.
Jesus took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town. Then He did a very unexpected thing - He spit on the blind man’s eyes. Are you surprised? This act shows us that Jesus was so holy that everything that came from His mouth was holy too.
This is not true of all the things that come from our mouths; bad words, angry words, lies and bad germs may come from us. But take a moment to think of the perfect holiness of the Son of God. He is the One we must meet in eternity. Are you afraid?
Then Jesus put His hands on the man and said, Do you see anything? “I see men as trees, walking,” the man said. They must have seemed like very great men! Perhaps that is a reminder to us not to see men bigger than God made them.
Jesus put His hands again on the man’s eyes and made him look up. Then he saw every man clearly!
Are you saved from your sins already, and do you see some great man who is very important or very terrifying in your life? It is Jesus Himself who is all-important, and it is His Word we obey. Come to Him and ask His viewpoint for all that is around you.
What was the next thing the man was to do? Jesus, the one who had given him his eyesight, told him what to do. Go to your house - not to town - and don’t tell anyone in the town were Jesus’ instructions to the man.
Now that you are truly saved, perhaps you find that telling the folks at home is the hardest thing to do. They may tease you and expect you to live a Christian life right there with your family, and Satan will tempt you in all kinds of wrong ways. It is good to remember that Jesus sent you there, and He is able to keep you from failing, if you come to Him for His power.
The people in the town would soon find out that the blind man could now see. They would probably ask, Who made that blind man so different? It was Jesus, and all the praise and honor belong to Him.
Think About God’s Word!
1. Did the man see clearly at first?
2. What happens when you look through someone else’s glasses? How does 1 Corinthians 13:12 show us that we will see someday when we have Jesus’ vision?
Project: How long did it take the Apostle Paul in Acts 9 to see clearly?