The Master's Letter

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
“JAMES,—I want you to come and see me at six o'clock, after you have left the Works. —Yours faithfully.”
Promptly at the time the young man waited on his master, who had written him the above letter. When he entered the room, after a pause the gentleman looked up from his desk, and inquired,
"Do you wish to see me, James?”
Somewhat surprised, holding out the note he had received, he said, "The letter, sir, the letter you sent me.”
“Oh! I see; you got my letter. You believe I wanted to see you, and when I sent you the message you came at once.”
"Yes, sir, surely; what else could I do?”
“Well, James, you did quite right to come. See, here is another letter for you; will you attend to that? “At the same time his master handed him a paper which he had written. James took hold of the paper, and read—
“COME UNTO ME, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt. xi. 28).
As he read his lips quivered, his eyes filled with tears. Thrusting his hand into his pocket, he grasped his large red handkerchief, with which he covered his face, and there stood, not knowing what to do. At length he said, “Am I just to believe in the same way that I believed your letter?”
“Just in the same way," was the reply.
That night James saw it all, and went home a happy believer in his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He saw that he had to believe God and give Him the same credit and confidence that he would give to the word or message of any trustworthy or business man.