The children in Sunday school seemed to be really enjoying singing praises to the Lord Jesus. They sang, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” “Jesus Loves Me” and other happy songs. Then it was time to say their memory verse: “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” 1 John 4:10.
Some of the children stumbled over that big word, “propitiation.” But when it was fiveyearold Jonathan’s turn, he said it slowly and clearly “propisheashun.” Then came the question: What could that long word “propitiation” mean?
One of the children said, “Favor.” Another said, “Saviour.” But Jonathan must have talked it over with his mommy and daddy before Sunday school, because he had such a good answer. “It’s the gift God gives to us that makes Him happy with us.”
Mr. Webster says in his dictionary that it is something that wins or regains goodwill. After man sinned, God could not show His goodwill to man because sin was a terrible violation against God’s holy and righteous nature. There was nothing you or I could do to remove the violation. But God so loved everyone that He sent His own Son to “propitiate” Him to satisfy His holy anger about sin. God’s Son, the Lord Jesus, did this when God’s great anger against sin was poured out on Him as He suffered on the cross. Now God is satisfied, and He is showing His goodwill by offering salvation to everyone.
Do you like it when your brother or sister has done something wrong and your mother gets angry with you about it? No; I think you’d be quick to say, “I didn’t do it!” But I know the Lord Jesus has been punished for every wrong thing I have ever done or will do so I can go free! That makes me happy and sad at the same time. I’m happy because I know my sins are forgiven and I will never be punished for those sins. But I’m sad because the Lord Jesus had to be punished in my place.
Now I’m washed clean in the precious blood of the Lord Jesus, so God is happy with me. And if I trust God with my life instead of trying to look after it myself, He will help me to do the things that please Him.
It’s wonderful to know that the Lord Jesus is the propitiation for my sins. He is the gift that God gave to me so He can be happy with me. God is offering you this same great gift too. Won’t you come to Him and accept Him as the propitiation for your sins? Then God will be happy with you, and you will be happy with God now and forever.