However well it was to heed the word of prophecy, it is but "as to a lamp shining in a dark place," for so the earth is and must be till the Sun of righteousness arises with healing in His wings.
The prophetic word did show the ruin of Israel as a whole for its idolatry, and the special further sin of Judah for the rejection of the Messiah. The prophetic word made clear the rise of the four Gentile empires while the Jews are "Lo-ammi" (not My people) and, between Daniel and the Apocalypse, also the reappearing of the last or Roman empire with the apostate Jews, who set up the Antichrist in Palestine, to be destroyed by the Lord shining out from heaven.
The lamp is excellent to cast adequate light on this dark world, its evil and its doom, and they did well in paying it heed, "until day dawn and a [or, the] morning star arise in your hearts"-that is to say, till they apprehend with enjoyment the bright, heavenly relationship which Christianity, fully understood, gives us now in Christ and the heavenly hope of His corning to introduce us into the Father's house. The prophetic lamp is good to help us against the squalid place, but how much more is "daylight" in Christ to lift us above the world in all our associations of faith and the bright hope, Christ as Morning Star, which He not only is, but has promised to give the overcomer (Rev. 2:28; 22:16-17)! [22]