The Most Unpopular Verse

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Sara Brown was puzzled. The preacher had just told his audience that he was going to speak on a very important verse, and he called it “The Most Unpopular Verse in the Bible.” Whatever can it be? she thought. I must hear this!
When the time came, the speaker turned to the third chapter of John, then paused at verse seven: “YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN!”
“Let me read it again,” he said. Sara Brown was surprised. Of course she knew the verse well. But why should it be called unpopular?
The preacher began his message by offering many reasons why people dislike this text. It is too humiliating, too dogmatic. We do not like to be told what we MUST do. Can’t we please ourselves? Surely it does not mean that everybody must be born again! Yet the Lord said it-said it to one of the best men of his day-one of the greatest religious teachers.
Sara was really puzzled. Surely a good woman like her did not need this new birth. As she was leaving she asked if the preacher could visit her, because she wanted to know more about this unpopular verse. So, one evening soon after this, she and the preacher were talking in her house.
“Do you really think that I need to be born again?” she asked. “You know I am not bad. In fact, I am a very good woman. I love to go to church, and see how often I come to hear you.”
“Yes,” said the preacher, “you must be born again.”
She could not understand it.
There was a beautiful dog lying on the rug. “Is this your dog?” asked the preacher.
“Why, of course, and a good dog he is! He follows me wherever I go. Of all the dogs I ever had, this one is the best.”
“Well now,” said the preacher, “suppose you had two dogs, this good one and a very bad one. They would both be dogs, wouldn’t they? One would be a good dog and one would be a bad dog, but still dogs. If they were to live for a hundred years, it could not change them. They were born dogs, and no power in the world can change their nature.
“We are born sinners. Some may be ‘good’ sinners and some are ‘bad’ sinners, but we are all sinners, and there is no power of man that can change our nature-we must have a new birth. Like the dogs, if we lived a thousand years we would still be sinners. We must have a new birth, giving us a new nature.
“This is what the Lord said, and this is what people do not like, especially ‘good’ people like you. Dogs are dogs, and though some are good, still the fact remains. Sinners are sinners, though some may be good. Listen to this: ‘That which is born of the flesh is flesh’ (John 3:66That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. (John 3:6)). It may be religious flesh or it may be wicked flesh, still nothing can alter its character. Miss Brown, you must be born again.”
Sara Brown was astonished. “I have never heard such things before. Now, tell me, what must I do to experience this new birth, because I am anxious to have it.”
It did not take long to read to her John 1:11-1211He came unto his own, and his own received him not. 12But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: (John 1:11‑12), “He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” Then and there she obeyed God’s Word; she became a new creature. The sinner became a saint. The most unpopular verse became to her one of the most precious.
There are many like Sara Brown. Are you one? It makes little difference what we say or do, “good” or “bad”: “Ye must be born again.”
Such an Offer!
Such an offer! Full and free!
Is it really meant for me?
That all my sins on Christ were laid,
That all my debt by Him was paid?
Yes, Jesus says it who has died,
“Believe,” and I am justified.
Such an offer! Pardon now
For hidden sin and broken vow!
For years of cold neglect and scorn;
Can mercy’s day upon me dawn?
Yes, Jesus died instead of me;
His death for mine must be my plea.
Oh, what goodness! Lord, I take
This offer Thou dost freely make!
My one desire shall henceforth be
To live for Him who died for me.
Spread, glad news, through every nation:
Instant-free-and full salvation!