"The Night is far Spent, the Day is at Hand."

Rom. 13:12.
“I say unto all, Watch.” (Mark 13:37.)
“WORLD conditions show that the harvest-time, the end of the age, cannot be far away. All is at hand! The fulfillment of unfulfilled prophecies, related to His Return, looms up bigger and bigger on our horizon.
Reader! God speaks louder and louder in these world conditions, so fully in accord with His Word. Do you hear His message? His message to His true Church is to be ready. Are you ready, beloved reader? Cast aside the playthings of the dust. Present yourself afresh as a living sacrifice! Yield yourself to Him in a new self-surrender! Arise anew, to go forth as His witness. Yet a little while — and then face to face with Himself! Unsaved reader! The door is still open! Pass in through Him Who is the Door! Accept Him today! He waits for you still, to be gracious unto you. Perhaps tomorrow it will be too late.”
A. C. Gaebelein.