The Nimble Fisher-Marten

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 8
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"Thou, even Thou, art Lord alone; Thou hast made... the earth, and all things that are therein... and Thou preservest them all." Neh. 9:6.
The fisher-marten, which looks almost like a small fox, lives in the cold, densely wooded areas of the United States—Canadian border. Its soft, dark-brown, almost-black coat, frosted with white hairs is a special prize for trappers. It is greatly sought after by the manufacturers of expensive fur coats.
These animals spend most of their lives in trees, climbing with ease and skill and leaping from branch to branch, sometimes as much as 30 or 40 feet between trees. If attacked they are quite capable of defending themselves by arching their backs, displaying sharp teeth, whipping their tails back and forth, and uttering threatening growls. With their sharp teeth and vicious claws they can usually beat off dogs and even bears. But these experiences are rare since the Creator has made them the swiftest animal of the northern woods and they are seldom caught.
Surprisingly, they are one animal that will challenge a porcupine, flipping it over and exposing its unprotected underpart for the kill. In addition they will eat fish, rabbits, beavers, mice, birds, raccoons and occasionally nuts. Some of this food they get by outwitting trappers, stealing bait from their traps.
The fisher-marten does not hibernate, but when snow is deep it may sleep in its den for long periods of time. It's not too successful when hunting in snow, because its dark color exposes it too much. So it is more inclined under those conditions to lie on a branch and leap on any prey passing by. They are also clever in burrowing through snow to catch mice, kangaroo rats and other rodents that are active below.
Although sometimes making dens in caves or burrows, the mother prefers to find a tree hole high above the ground where she can raise her little ones in the springtime. Blind and without fur when born, their mother nurses them for almost two months and then teaches them to hunt. Within a year they are full grown and go out on their own.
The way of these nimble animals reminds us of the care the Creator shows to all living things. Truly, "The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works." Psa. 145:9. But His mercies are shown to us in ways an animal could never know, for it is His mercy and love that provide redemption and everlasting life to all who trust in Him. This is well expressed in the verse: "For He that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is His name. And His mercy is on them that fear [respect and trust] Him." Luke 1:49,50. Are you among those who trust in Him?