The Nurse's Story

 •  7 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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"NURSE, I am sure the new maid is anxious about her soul." “Why do you think so, Mary?" asked the nurse addressed.
“I was speaking to her in the kitchen, and telling her how happy I have been since I am saved, and I told her all about my conversion, and she seemed touched. I saw the tears in her eyes, and I feel quite sure she is anxious."
“Do you think you could get her to come up to the nursery, and have a talk with me?” said nurse.
“I will ask her, at any rate," said Mary, and away she went down stairs to do so.
This conversation took place in the nursery of a gentleman's house, between the upper and under-nurse, one evening after the work was over, and the children put to bed.
Nurse had been a Christian for a number of years, although only comparatively lately had she seen clearly that she possessed eternal life, and was indeed a child of God. Since this light had broken in upon her, she had been learning daily in the word of God what He had saved her from, and what He had saved her for, and her heart was full of joy and peace. God had recently converted Mary, the nursery-maid, in answer to her prayers, and now both of them, in their zeal, longed for others to be won to Christ. They had tried in vain to reach the old cook's heart; she was stubborn and self-righteous, and told them to speak no more to her on this subject or she would inform their mistress. But a stranger-maid had lately come, and Mary could not help telling her of the Lord's goodness in saving her soul, and this night, in the cook's absence and while their mistress was out, the attempt was to be made to have Ellen up to the nursery for a talk.
In a little while Mary returned with Ellen, and all three sat down to their needle-work while they talked.
Nurse explained the need all had as sinners of being born again, and how the Lord had dealt with her to bring her to Himself, the danger to which she was exposed while in the far country, and she told of the pardon and peace she had experienced since she came to Jesus.
At the close, Ellen burst out with the cry, “I want to be saved, but what shall I do?”
“Oh!” said nurse, “you have nothing to do, all is done."
“I can't understand you," replied Ellen, surely I have something to do."
"Oh, no!" said nurse. "Read these words," and she handed her a testament. Ellen read as directed John 3:16: “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
"You see," said nurse, "God loved us, and gave Jesus to be our Savior. He has done the work of our salvation, and now we have only to believe, and receive life everlasting. Read this," and she pointed to the 36th verse, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life," Then turning her to chapter v. 24, Ellen read again, " Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth My word—"
“Now," said nurse, “you have heard His word, go on—"
"And believeth on Him that sent Me."
“Don’t you see?" said nurse. “It is not to do, but to believe on Him who has done all. Now read it out."
“Hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." “I do believe in the Lord Jesus Christ," said Ellen slowly, "and I know it is all true, that He died for us while we were yet sinners ; but I can't understand about this having eternal life."
"Oh," said nurse, with a smile, "that is the gift of God to every one who believeth. He gives it to you. Turn to 1 John 5:13, and read."
She did so, and read, "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life."
“Now, dear," said nurse, “do you see God sends us the Scriptures to tell us we have it as a gift from Him?”
"Oh! my mind only gets more bewildered," exclaimed Ellen. “I seem to see it all, but I can't take it in. I haven't got it surely, or I would feel it! "
The nurse's eye fell on a ball of knitting worsted that lay on the table; she lifted it up, and said, "Do you see this ball of wool, with all its color and beauty, that I hold in my hand?"
“Yes," replied the bewildered girl.
"I give it to you," said nurse, holding it out. Ellen put out her hand and took it. "Now," asked nurse, "have you got it? Is it yours? "
“Oh, yes!” answered Ellen.
The light was breaking, and the bewildered face was getting happy and bright, as nurse continued, "God holds out as a gift eternal life. We just take it, and He says it is ours, and we believe His word, and have it."
"Oh!" exclaimed Ellen, "I see it all now. Will you thank God for me? "
Together the three knelt down, and from that nursery to the throne of God there rose that night the voice of praise and thanksgiving. Full of joy at possessing eternal life, Ellen went down to the kitchen, and when the cook came in threw her arms round her, and cried, "I am saved tonight! Since you went out the Lord has saved me, and I know it." The cook repulsed the girl, declaring she was mad, and that she knew nurse had made her crazy.
" Oh, no!" said Ellen, "I am not crazy; I was just in danger of being lost, for I was under God's wrath and condemnation ; and so are you, until you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and then you will be saved too."
Ellen, in the buoyancy of her heart, could not but confess Christ to her mistress, and tell her of the joy and peace she had found through believing.
A few days later Mary said, "I fear, nurse, something is going to happen, that you are to go away, and me be left without you. I have a dread of it."
Nurse cheered her up, and said nothing could come from their loving Heavenly Father but goodness and loving-kindness, but owned that she too feared that a cloud was gathering, which would soon burst upon them. Later in the day nurse was called down to her mistress, and told that she was to prepare to leave in a few weeks. Then Mary received notice, and Ellen too was told she was to leave. All had to go because they had confessed to Christ.
They had but a few weeks to spend together, but these will never be forgotten; they had many sweet times, praying with and for each other, and rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer for His Name's sake.
Leaving their situation thus without commendation, they had to take places of a very inferior kind; but this too they did cheerfully, the head nurse becoming a maid of all work, and the under-nurse a maid in a boardinghouse. Thus they learnt to go down for love of Christ; but what will the sequel be, when the Lord of heaven, in the presence of those myriads of angels, and before His Father, shall confess their names, and tell of what they did, and of what they suffered out of love for Him?
J. S.