AT THE side of a narrow graveled road sat quite an old Indian man. Jim stopped his car and walked toward him. “Would you like something good to read?” asked Jim, as he held out a copy of the Gospel of Luke.
“Oh, yes, I know what that is,” was the reply. “That’s part of the Bible.”
“Are you a Christian?”
“Oh, yes, and I like this Gospel of Luke. Do you have any more? I’d like John’s Gospel too if you have it. I can give some to my friends, and in that way I can work for the Lord, too.”
“From what Indian tribe are you?”
“I am a Skeena River Indian. In the winter our tribe has time to get together and talk about the Lord, but many of my people do not believe. I believe that Jesus Christ died on Calvary’s cross for my sins, and my daughter believes, so she is a Christian, too. You saw me laugh when you gave me the book,” he continued. “That was because I was so glad to meet you and so glad that you took time to stop to talk to me.”
Jim was so thankful to the Lord and happy to find this dear old Indian who when asked if he were a Christian could readily answer, “Yes.” What could you truthfully answer, dear reader, if you were asked the same question? Are you one of the Saviour’s lambs and are you safe in His arms? He wants you. O come to Him now for He says, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matt. 11:28.