The Physician

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 8
ONE fine, sunny day, while I was staying at the seaside, there was a great rush of people to the beach, so that several hundreds were soon gathered to one spot. The general inquiry was, “What’s the matter?” “What has happened?” As soon as information could be obtained, it appeared that a young man, who had that morning arrived with his wife by an excursion train, had been bathing in the sea, and having swum out of his depth was brought to the shore in an exhausted and lying state. Ah! poor man, he little thought when he left home, that he should be so near death before the day was over. And which of us can say with certainty, when we rise in the morning, that we shall live throughout the day? Not one. For we only live while it pleases God to continue that breath which He gave to us when we came into the world; so true it is that “in Him we live, and move, and have our being.”
The persons who were nearest to the dying man, acted as they judged best, if possibly he might recover, but they did not well know what to do; when, providentially, a physician who was passing that way, seeing the crowd, went to ascertain what was the matter, and arrived just in time to give such proper advice and directions as, by the blessing of God, saved the poor man’s life. This physician, who was also a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, was thankful to God for the opportunity given to him of rendering this service to a fellow-creature. He soon had him conveyed to a suitable place, and after the proper remedies had been applied the young man so far recovered as to be able to return to his home with his wife in the evening. Before they left, the kind doctor spoke to them about their souls, and pointed them to Jesus, the Saviour of sinners.
When I think of the young man being nearly drowned, and not able to help himself, it brings to my mind the condition of a sinner who, not having believed in Christ, is “ready to perish,” and who yet cannot do a single thing towards saving himself. This is just what the Word of God declares. And if he should die in that state, he would sink far lower than the bottom of the sea; for he would be drowned “in destruction and perdition,” and thus be forever banished from the presence of God.
But when I think of the kind physician who came to the help of the dying man, it calls to my remembrance that Great and Good Physician, the Lord Jesus Christ, who came from heaven to this sinful world, on purpose to “seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10. He knew that unless sin was put away, no sinner could ever stand before God, and live in His holy presence. So, He willingly came to suffer on the cross, “the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.” 1 Peter 3:18. He there “put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.” Heb. 9:26. All the waves and billows of the judgment of God rolled over Him. He laid down His life, and was buried; but God raised Him from the dead, and seated Him at His own right hand, in the heavenly glory; thus plainly showing that He was well pleased with His beloved Son, and perfectly satisfied with the work which He had finished for the remission of sins.
Do you, dear reader, know that you are a sinner? And do you know Jesus as the Saviour of your soul; and forgiveness of your sins through His precious blood.? He says, “They that are whole have no need of THE PHYSICIAN, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Mark 2:17.
I was pleased to hear that before the young man went home, he expressed his gratitude to the kind friend, who had been the means of saving his life. And if you know Jesus as the One who has saved your soul, are you not thankful to God for having sent His Son to die for you? And do you not love Jesus, who laid down His life, that sinners like you might dwell with Him forever in His Father’s house, where sin and sorrow can never enter? And does not His love constrain you to live to Him, looking to Him to enable you to do those things that are pleasing in His sight, and which He has made known to us in His precious Word? For sure I am that if you, who are young believers, are walking with the Lord, such thankfulness and desires will be produced in your souls, to the praise of Him whose you are, and whom it is your privilege to serve.