The Pilgrims.

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AWAY in the mountains of Switzerland there are villages built which are beautiful and picturesque, and one might travel from one to the other and enjoy the beautiful scenery, but there is one thing we might be impressed with, and that is, there is a similarity of man’s character all over the world.
In our picture this week, we have this clearly illustrated. We have the pilgrims in a Swiss village, leaving their meeting house to go to their homes, and by the wayside there are those who have been spending their time in pleasure, and would turn and laugh at those who would attend religious meetings.
Wherever we go we find this condition of things. Boys will make fun of other boys who will go to Sunday-school and in that way try to get them to stop going, and again when boys get into their teens, they often think they are too old to go to Sunday-school or other religious meetings, and think it is “big” to stay away, and go instead, to places of pleasure, as they call them. Such are the temptations of Satan, with the desire to lead on step by step, and further and further from that which is good.
But, my dear boys and girls, I beg of you, do not listen to these temptations, or scorns of others, but to give heed to the word of God. Remember that word that was given to Timothy, “Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou has learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; and that from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 2 Tim. 3:13-15.
It is in the word of God that true wisdom is to be found, and there Christ Jesus is presented as the only One through whom we can be saved.
On the other hand, those who despise these things and the word of God, are not wise. They prefer a little pleasure in this life, as they call it, and think not of the eternity of woe that awaits all those who will not have faith in Christ Jesus. Ah, the better path is with those who have Christ as their Saviour and walk according to His word.
May you, dear reader, not only be among them but know Jesus as your Saviour and heed not the unwise scoffer and pleasure seeker of this world.
ML 10/07/1906