PRINCE Henry of Prussia, who has just recently been visiting in this country, had the pleasure of examining the memorable sword which Frederick the Great presented to George Washington. This sword had never been drawn from its scabbard, for Washington, in his will, specially requested that it should never be removed, except in defense of the country. The Prince knew nothing of the will of George Washington as to this, and so he unwittingly violated the express desire of that great general by drawing the sword from its scabbard.
Dear children, the Lord also has a sword, and it is referred to very many times in His Word. You will find the first mention of it in Gen. 3:24, and the last in Rev. 19:15. It is the awful sword of His righteous judgment, and concerning it He has spoken as follows; “If I whet My glittering sword, and Mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to Mine enemies, and will reward them that hate Me.” Deut. 32:41.
But at the present time that sword is laid aside in its scabbard. It is the day of God’s grace and long-suffering to the world. It is the acceptable time when He is showing mercy to poor sinners and saving them. And just as it was Washington’s will that his sword should not be used in time of peace, nor even drawn from its scabbard, so it is really the will of God that keeps His sword from being drawn in judgment now. You will find that will expressed in 1 Tim. 2:4.
“Who will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
Do you know, dear reader, that God really desires that you should be saved? And knowing this are you still unwilling to have Him save you?
The Prince drew out the sword not knowing the will of General Washington: but many who know God’s will, still go on rejecting His long-suffering mercy until He shall be compelled to draw His sword and render vengeance to His enemies. Jesus said that the servant who knew his Master’s will but prepared not himself should be beaten with many stripes. Have you prepared yourself by repenting and believing the gospel?
ML 04/27/1902