The Prophecies of Jonah

Jonah 1‑4  •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 9
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Jonah’s History—A Picture of the Nation of Israel
The book of Jonah is different from all of the other Minor Prophets in that it has no direct prophecies in it, but rather, it records Jonah’s experiences. These experiences are prophetic of the nation of Israel. They illustrate, by way of type, how God will convert a remnant of His people and use them in the conversion of the Gentiles.
Jonah in Rebellion—A Type of Israel
Chapter 1
Israel, like Jonah, has been called to bear witness to the world of the one true God (vss. 1-2). As with Jonah, the nation of Israel has been an unfaithful witness and has rendered a poor testimony to the world (Rom. 2:24). As Jonah was disobedient and left the presence of the Lord by going on-board a ship to the Gentile city of “Tarshish,” the nation has immersed itself in worldly interactions which God had called them to be separate from (vss. 3-7). Like Jonah, in the nation’s departure from the Lord, they confess their nationality, but they do not obey the One they profess to be their God! (vss. 8-10) Also, as Jonah was thrown overboard, so Israel has been cast into the sea of nations and dispersed among the Gentiles (vss. 11-15; Matt. 21:21; Rev. 17:15). While Jonah was in the sea, the Gentile seamen turned to the Lord and cried out to Him (vs. 16). Likewise, the Gentiles have been turning to the Lord through the gospel, and thus, “through their (Israel’s) fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles” (Rom. 11:11). The belly of the fish represents the spiritual grave in which the Jews are during their dispersion (vs. 17). They are nationally dead. But as the fish did not digest Jonah, so too have the nations not absorbed the Jews; they remain unassimilated among the nations and are a distinct people.
Jonah in the Whale’s Belly—A Type of the Struggle of the Jews in Their Dispersion
Chapter 2
Jonah’s struggle in the belly of the fish is symbolic of the struggle of the Jews down through the years of their dispersion, and particularly, during the coming Great Tribulation. His prayer for deliverance foreshadows that of the Jewish remnant. They will call upon the name of the Lord and on the third day they will be restored. “Three days and three nights” points to resurrection, and thus, there will be a national resurrection of Israel after they turn to the Lord (Isa. 26:19; Dan. 12:2; Hos. 6:2-3).
Jonah Preaching—a Type of Restored Israel Witnessing to the World
Chapter 3
Like Jonah, Israel, when restored to the Lord, will be a powerful witness for the Lord to the Gentile nations (Isa. 60:1-3, etc.). As Jonah preached to the Ninevites, so the remnant of Jews will preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to the world (Psa. 96), and many Gentiles will be converted and join themselves to the Lord (Psa. 47:9; Isa. 14:1; 55:5; 56:3-7; Zech. 2:11; Rev. 7: 9).
Jonah Receives an Attitude Adjustment—a Type of Israel Judging Their Prejudice Against Gentiles
Chapter 4
Jonah needed to have his attitude changed toward the Gentiles. He had a deep-seated prejudice against them, and if he had had his way, he would have denied God the right of showing mercy to them. The Lord reasoned with Jonah about his lack of grace, and in the end, Jonah was silenced and could not reply, because in Christ’s kingdom both Israel and the Gentiles will be blessed on the principle of grace—and on nothing else. Jonah must learn that God is sovereign, and that He will have mercy on them whom He chooses to have mercy (Rom. 9:18).
In this chapter, the Lord’s dealings with Jonah picture the deep moral work He will do in restored Israel that will make them willing to receive and share the kingdom blessings with the Gentiles, and to dwell peaceably with them in the Millennium. One of the greatest proofs that Israel will truly be restored is that they will no longer have their prejudice toward other nations.