The Prophetic Interpretation of Esther

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 24min
Esther 1‑8  •  17 min. read  •  grade level: 9
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Ahasuerus—A Type of God
When God removed the seat of His government in the earth from Israel (1 Chron. 29:23), He gave it into the hands of the Gentiles (Dan. 2:31-45; 5:18-19). This period of Gentile authority is called “the times of the Gentiles” (Luke 21:24). Thereafter, the succession of Gentile monarchs who ruled during that period were indirectly an extension of God's authority in the earth. In the book of Esther, King Ahasuerus ruled in that place of authority over the known world of his time—“from India even unto Ethiopia” (chap. 1:1). Hence, he is a type of God who rules over the whole world from behind the scenes (Dan. 4:17).
Ahasuerus’ Feast—A Type of the Gospel of God’s Grace
(Chapter 1)
The first chapter of Esther tells us that King Ahasuerus made a feast “unto all,” both “great and small” (chap. 1:1-5). This is a picture of the great feast that God has made for all mankind in the gospel of His grace (Luke 14:16). The purpose of Ahasuerus' feast was to show “the riches of His glorious kingdom” and “the honour of his excellent majesty.” The gospel, too, tells forth the glory of God and “the riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus” (Eph. 2:7-8). Just as Ahasuerus' feast carried on for “many days,” God in His longsuffering love and grace has extended the invitation to His feast for many days—nearly two thousand years! The guests who accepted the invitation of King Ahasuerus and came to his feast were called “nobles and princes.” Likewise, those who accept, by faith, God's invitation to His gospel feast, are similarly made “kings and priests” (Rev. 1:6).
At the feast, the king provided “beds [couches] of gold and silver” for the guests to rest on (chap. 1:6-8). Silver and gold in Scripture are symbols of redemption and divine righteousness. These things give the believer a place to rest for salvation, and as a result, he has peace with God and rest in his soul (Matt. 11:28; Rom. 5:1; 8:6). There were also beautiful colored “hangings” at the feast for the guests to behold and enjoy. They were suspended from above by “silver rings,” and are a type of the Christian's heavenly blessings that are theirs through redemption (Eph. 1:3). Moreover, the king provided the guests with His “royal wine in abundance.” This speaks of the joy that God gives to those who receive and believe the gospel of His grace (Judg. 9:13; Psa. 104:15).
Vashti—A Type of the Professing Church
The Gentile queen, “Vashti,” who had a very privileged place in the kingdom—being associated with the king publicly—was also invited to the feast. Her part was to contribute to the glory of the king by showing the people her beauty. But when she was called, she “refused” to come because her heart was lifted up in pride and rebellion. She liked the place she had of being publicly associated with the king, but she had no use for his feast. Vashti is a type of the professing Church which has been outwardly identified with God before the world, but without real faith in Christ. Apostate Christendom has had the greatest opportunity to receive the salvation and blessing offered in the gospel, but like Vashti, it has had no use for it (Rev. 3:17).
Vashti Removed—A Type of the Judgment of the False Church
On the final day of the feast (chap. 1:5, 10) Vashti's rebellion came to a head, and because of her disobedience and refusal to come to the feast, she was dismissed from her place as queen (chap. 1:13-22). This foreshadows what will happen to apostate, professing Christendom at the end of the day of grace. The rebellion and disobedience of Christendom has risen to a height where God will no longer tolerate it. When the Rapture takes place, the Lord will also publicly disown apostate, professing Christendom by leaving all who are mere professors behind. He will “spue” it out of His mouth (Rev. 3:16). Christendom, like Vashti, will be “cut off” and set aside in God's dealings (Rom. 11:17-22). As Vashti experienced “the wrath of king Ahasuerus” (chap. 2:1), so will apostate Christendom be judged by God at that time—and this on account of its failure to glorify God on earth.
Esther—A Type of the Jewish Remnant
(Chapter 2)
The exercise in chapter two is that one might be brought in to replace Vashti. In the process of finding someone to take that place, “Esther” comes into view (chap. 2:1-7). She is a type of the godly Jewish remnant. Romans 11 indicates that when (Gentile) Christendom will be disowned and set aside for its unfaithfulness, God will take up with Israel again and bring a remnant of that nation into blessing.
Being an orphan, Esther had no support in the world, and this aptly describes the destitute character of the godly remnant of Jews in the Great Tribulation to come. They will be totally shut up to God.
Mordecai—A Type of Christ
Though an orphan, Esther was taken up and cared for by “Mordecai” her cousin. He is a type of Christ who will providentially care for the Jewish remnant.
Before Esther could be brought into relationship with the king, she had to go through a process of purification (chap. 2:8-14). This speaks of the results of the exercises that the Jewish remnant will go through during the Great Tribulation. During that time, they will be purified and made ready for their King (Dan. 12:10; Mal. 3:2-4; Zech. 13:9).
During the period of Esther’s purification, Mordecai took great interest in her welfare. Although he could not openly communicate with her, for her time of purification was not yet complete, he passed by the place where she was each day to inquire of how she did. In the same way during the Great Tribulation, Christ will not communicate directly with the Jewish remnant, but will observe their progress with intense interest. He will do it from a distance, so to speak (Isa. 8:17; 18:4; 54:8; Song of Solomon 5:6; Gen. 42:7, 23-24; 43:30). He will continue to do this until the work of repentance and purification is complete in the remnant, at which time He will reveal Himself to them (Gen. 45).
The incident at the end of the second chapter, of Mordecai looking out for the welfare of the king (when “Bigthan and Teresh” attempted insurrection), illustrates how Christ has the utmost care for the glory of God, and will work behind the scenes to maintain it (chap. 2:21-23).
Hegai—A Type of the Holy Spirit
Esther was committed into the hands of "Hegai" who was to prepare her to meet the king (chap. 2:8, 15). He is a type of the Spirit of God who will work with the Jewish remnant of believers during the Tribulation period (Isa. 40:13; 48:16). The Spirit will exercise the believing Jews concerning the nation's rejection of Christ many years ago and will produce a work of repentance in them. (See the Penitential Psalms – Psa. 25; 32; 38; 41; 51.)
Haman—A Type of the Antichrist
(Chapter 3)
In chapter 3 we see King Ahasuerus promoting “Haman” the Agagite in the kingdom and giving him a seat above all the princes. Haman who was “the Jews' enemy” is a type of Antichrist. His promotion in the kingdom foreshadows the time when God will allow Antichrist to rise to a place of prominence and power in the earth—particularly in the land of Israel. Haman used his place of power for his own exaltation and required that all should bow to him in reverence. Antichrist, “the man of sin,” will do the same by demanding that he should be worshipped (2 Thess. 2:3-4).
Haman’s Plot to Rid the Empire of Jews—A Type of the Great Tribulation
Mordecai refused to bow to Haman, and this drew out Haman's hatred for him (chap. 3:2). Similarly, the Antichrist will not regard God and will attempt to obliterate the name of Christ from the earth.
Haman also went about to “destroy all the Jews that were throughout the whole kingdom” (chap. 3:5-15). This foreshadows the terrible persecution that the Antichrist will cause during the Great Tribulation in his attempt to exterminate God-fearing Jews—the remnant. Haman had ten sons that apparently helped him in his cause (chap. 5:11, 14; 9:7-10). They, perhaps, may be a type of the ten-nation confederacy in Western Europe called “the Beast,” that will help Antichrist enforce his persecution against the godly remnant. The king gave Haman his signet “ring” authorizing the wicked plan (chap. 3:10). This speaks of God allowing Antichrist to have his way in persecuting the godly remnant for a time. He does this to test their reality and to deepen His work in them.
A Loud and Bitter Cry—A Type of Deep Exercise of the Jewish Remnant
(Chapter 4)
On account of Haman's wicked designs, the lives of the Jews were in great jeopardy. This caused much weeping and wailing in every province (chap. 4:1-3). It is a picture of the sorrow and deep exercise of soul the Jewish remnant will pass through in the Great Tribulation. Mordecai also “put on sackcloth with ashes, and went out into the midst of the city, and cried with a loud and bitter cry.” This illustrates the feelings of Christ. He will feel with deepest sympathy all that the remnant will pass through in the time of their trouble (Isa. 63:9). The book of the Psalms particularly illustrates Christ's sympathetic sufferings with the remnant.
Hatach—A Type of the Maschilim
"Hatach," one of the king's chamberlains who "attended upon" Esther, was closer to Mordecai than she was, and knew his mind in regard to these matters (chap. 4:5-6, 9-10). Mordecai used him to communicate to Esther what she ought to do. He is a type of the Maschilim, the wise and instructed ones among the believing remnant of Jews. Being more intelligent than the rest in regard to the mind of God, they will instruct the others (Dan. 11:33 – J. N. Darby Translation footnote).
Esther Approaches the King—A Type of the Jewish Remnant Crying Out to God
(Chapter 5)
Understanding her people's awful plight, Esther is told that she must “go in unto the king to make supplication unto him” on their behalf (chap. 4:4-9). But it was something she had not done before and feared to do because no person could draw near into the king's presence on his own without being put to death. It speaks of the fact that a person cannot come to God on his own terms. However, the law was such that if the king should hold out “the golden scepter” to a person, which depicts divine grace, he would live and not die. Grace has enabled man to draw near to God (chap. 4:10-11).
Mordecai, still speaking to Esther from a distance (through “Hatach”), pressed upon her that she must approach the king, even if it meant taking her life into her hand, for it was the only means of deliverance for her people (chap. 4:12-14). Then, after much prayer and fasting, Esther resolved to go to the king (chap. 4:15-17). Likewise, the remnant, after much exercise of soul, will approach God in regard to the great suffering of persecution.
When Esther approached the king after not being in his presence for a long period of time, she obtained favour in his sight, and “the golden scepter” was extended to her (chap. 5:1-2). This points to the fact that God delights in those who approach Him in faith (Prov. 15:8). In the same way, the broken and afflicted remnant will approach God in prayer and supplication and will obtain grace in the time of their great trial. It is remarkable that it was on “the third day” that Esther approached the king. The number three speaks of resurrection in Scripture (Jonah 1:17; 2:10; Matt. 12:40), and points to Israel's national resurrection (Ezek. 37:1-28; Dan. 12:1-2), when God will step in for the godly Jewish remnant, bringing deliverance. Hosea 6:1-2 says, “Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for He hath torn, and He will heal us; He hath smitten, and He will bind us up. After two days will He revive us: in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight.”
Having come into the king's presence, Esther did not immediately unburden the depths of her heart to him. Instead, she requested that a banquet be made for the king and Haman, at which time she thought to make known her real request. But when the time came, she deferred to express herself to the king until the following day (chap. 5:3-14). This illustrates how the remnant will at first lack confidence to lay open their heart to God, but at length, on account of expedience, they will do so. (Compare Psalms 25, 32, 38, 41, 51—the Penitential Psalms. Note the progression of their exercise of soul deepening.)
Mordecai Exalted Publicly—A Type of Christ Exalted at His Appearing
(Chapter 6)
On the very night that Haman was planning to kill Mordecai, the King could not sleep. And similarly, “He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep” (Psa. 121:4). This will be especially so during that time when the Antichrist will be attempting to do away with the Name of Christ from the earth. The night passes with a strange turn of events for the Jews. The king sees fit that it is time to publicly exalt Mordecai and to display him in “royal apparel” with “the crown royal” before all the people! When the day came, the despised man, Mordecai, was ushered through the streets of the city with glory, dignity, and honour for all to see (chap. 6:1-11). This is a picture of the appearing of Christ at His second coming when He will come to the earth with power and glory, and “every eye shall see Him” (Rev. 1:7; 2 Thess. 1:10).
Haman Hung on His Own Gallows—A Type of the Antichrist Judged
(Chapter 7)
When Esther saw that divine providence was working for the Jews' good and blessing, and that the king had exalted Mordecai before the people, she waxed bold and came immediately into his presence at the banquet and unburdened her heart. Likewise, when the godly Jewish remnant will see Christ arrayed in glory, they will at once unburden their heart (Zech. 12:10-14).
Esther accused Haman of his wickedness and intreated the king for his destruction. She called him, "This wicked Haman" (chap. 7:5). In the Hebrew Scriptures, it is, "Haman the wicked." The numerical value of this appellation according to the Hebrew alphabet is 666! (Compare Revelation 13:18).
The king answered her request and Haman was hung on His own gallows! (chap. 7:1-10) This answers to the time when God will answer the cry of the remnant and judge the Antichrist. “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn” (Isa. 54:17).
We marvel at how precise these types are! Mordecai was exalted and displayed before the people in royal robes (chap. 6), and then Haman was hung (chap. 7). This is the same order in prophecy. Immediately after Christ appears in glory, the Antichrist (called "the false prophet"), with the Beast, will be removed by judgment and cast into the lake of fire (2 Thess. 2:8; Rev. 19:11-20).
Esther Confesses Her Relationship to Mordecai—A Type of the Remnant of Jews Owning Christ as Messiah
(Chapter 8)
After Haman was killed, Esther made known to king Ahasuerus her relationship to Mordecai (chap. 8:1). Similarly, after Christ has returned and Antichrist is judged, the godly Jewish remnant will gladly confess that they belong to Him. “O Lord our God, other lords beside Thee have had dominion over us: but by Thee only will we make mention of Thy Name” (Isa. 26:13; John 20:28).
Then, Haman's house (his estate) was given to Esther, and she gladly turned it all over to Mordecai (chap. 8:2). This is a picture of the Jews in that day gladly giving Christ His rightful place and surrendering all that they have to Him. “Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power” (Psa. 110:3).
Mordecai Is Given the King’s Ring—A Type of God Giving Christ Authority to Rule in the Kingdom
“The king took off his ring, which he had taken from Haman, and gave it unto Mordecai” (chap. 8:2). This speaks of God giving Christ that place of rule and authority in the earth that the Antichrist would have had falsely. Compare Isaiah 22:15-25 and Ezekiel 21:25-27.
Then, in answer to Esther’s cry, Mordecai (by the king’s authority) delivered the Jews from the awful edict that was upon them. He wrote letters authorizing their deliverance and published it in every province. The Jews were free! (chap. 8:3-14) This foreshadows the deliverance that Christ will affect for the Jewish remnant. This is a picture of the Great Tribulation being over.
Then, “Mordecai went out from the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and white, and with a great crown of gold, and with a garment of fine linen and purple” (chap. 8:15; 9:3-4; 10:3). This is a type of Christ in His official kingdom glory. The Jews, consequently, had “gladness, and joy, and honour,” and this, of course, refers to the joy of the remnant in the day of their deliverance (Isa. 25-26).
Haman's Ten Sons Killed—A Type of the Ten Nation Confederacy of the Beast Judged
(Chapter 9)
At the same time, Mordecai undertook to have "the ten sons of Haman" killed (chap. 9:10, 13-14). They are, perhaps, a type of the ten-nation confederacy of the Beast who will aid the Antichrist in his wicked plot to exterminate the godly Jewish remnant (Rev. 13:1; 17:12-13). When Christ appears in power and judgment, He will not only cast the personal Beast and the Antichrist into the lake of fire, but He will also destroy the Western confederacy of nations—under the figure of the judgment of (political) Babylon (Rev. 16:15-21).
Many Gentiles Become Jews—A Type of the Gentiles Being Linked to Israel in the Millennium
“The fear of Mordecai” and the Jews came over all, and “many of the people of the land became Jews” (chap. 8:17; 9:3). In the coming Millennium (the 1000-year reign of Christ) “many nations shall be joined to the Lord” (Zech. 2:11; 8:23; Isa. 11:10; 14:1-2; 55:6). “The willing-hearted of the peoples [Gentiles] have gathered together, and are joined unto the people of the God of Abraham” (Psa. 47:9 – J. N. Darby Trans. footnote).
After this, “the king's commandment and his decree” was that the Jews were to “rule over” their Gentile enemies (chap. 9:1-4). This is a picture of Israel being set in the place of the “head” of all nations, which is God’s original purpose for them (Deut. 28:13; Psa. 18:43). The Jews, therefore, also “smote all their enemies with the stroke of the sword” (chap. 9:5-19). In that coming day, Israel will exercise judgment on the nations surrounding their land (Psa. 47:3; Psa. 118:10-12; Isa. 11:14; Jer. 51:20-23; Mic. 4:13; 5:5-6, 8; Zech. 12:6; Mal. 4:3).
Mordecai Holds a Feast—A Type of Millennial Gladness
After this, Mordecai instituted a “feast” (called “Purim”) wherein “the Jews rested” in all the provinces of the kingdom (chap. 9:20-32). They gave gifts to one another and had great gladness, feasting, and joy. This speaks of the millennial rest that will pervade the earth in that day when people will be genuinely happy.
A Tribute Upon the Land—A Type of Israel’s Millennial Wealth
(Chapter 10)
King Ahasuerus then enforced “a tribute upon the land, and upon the isles of the sea” (chap. 10:1). In that coming day, when all nations are subdued under Israel they will be put to tribute. Israel will suck of “the wealth of the Gentiles” (Isa. 60:5-6, 16; 61:6; Psa. 72:10).
After this, the king made a “declaration of the greatness of Mordecai” (chap. 10:2). This refers to the time when the glory of Christ will be spread far and wide in the earth and “He shall be great” (Luke 1:32; Num. 14:21; Isa. 11:9; Ezek. 43:2; Hab. 2:14).
Thereafter, Mordecai was “next unto king Ahasuerus,” and his daily occupation was “seeking the wealth of his people, and speaking peace to all his seed” (chap. 10:3). In the world to come, Christ will have the highest place in the kingdom and will devote His energies to the blessing of His earthly people Israel, and there will be world peace (Psa. 46:9; Hos. 2:18; Zech. 9:10; Isa. 60:18).