The Question of Responsibility! Have You Considered It?

Romans 3:21
SALVATION from beginning to end is entirely of God. It is not, as man tells you, that if you keep the law and believe on Christ, then you shall be saved. No, but “without law” (Romans 3:21 in Greek), for man cannot keep it. You cannot keep it. God has in His own grace (because He so loved poor sinners, who were without strength to keep His law,) given Christ to die for the ungodly. Christ crucified has been set forth the great propitiatory sacrifice. It was GOD who gave Him to die for sinners, the just for the unjust, to bring us to God. It is GOD also who is now commanding all men everywhere (Acts 17:30) to change their minds about Him, and to believe the Gospel, i.e. the good news about His Son’s death for our sins, and resurrection for our justification. (Rom. 4:25.) It is GOD who justifies every sinner who takes Him at His word. It is GOD who will finally glorify every sinner whom He has justified. The blood of Jesus HAS BEEN SHED; it is God who has set it forth for the remission of sins, and now the reader is informed and warned that he is RESPONSIBLE to GOD for the way in which that blood is TREATED by him.
Oh! let him know that his prayers for forgiveness are the proofs of his ignorance, and that he is at this moment guilty of trampling that blood under his feet, if he has not availed himself of the free pardon and perfect peace that HAS BEEN SECURED BY IT for all and any who are trusting to CHBIST ALONE.